History of Technology and Music

By MrPunda
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    1900 - 1924

  • The Electric Theater

    "The Electric Theater" in Los Angeles is opened by Thomas L. Tally: the first Nickelodeon, a multimedia movie palace, that spawned imitators nationwide.
  • Lee de Forest

    Lee de Forest is granted a patent on January 15 for the first triode (three-element) vacuum tube which he calls the "Audion". It was similar to Flemings diode (two-element) vacuum tube called a "Valve". But de Forest's third element (called a "grid") allowed the Audion tube to amplify signals -- which made radio with voice and music practical.
  • Telephone Call

    First transcontinental telephone call from New York to San Francisco on July 29th.
  • Moviola

    Dutch-born Iwan Surrerier (a Pasadena, CA resident) re-designs his rear-projection device for home viewing movies (invented in 1917 -- called a "Moviola") into a machine to make film editing easier, and sold his first one to Douglas Fairbanks.