
History of Technology

  • Education done privately by parents

  • The first university, Harvard College, established

  • Invention of the blackboard

    James Pillans
  • The first government owned and operated public school opens

    in Boston, MA
  • Bernard Lassimonne patented the world’s first pencil sharpener

  • The first college for women in the U.S. opened

    Mount Holyoke Female Seminary
  • People started realizing parents aren't the best teachers

  • Formal education becomes mandated.

  • Department of Education was formed

  • An economic depression forced a lot of schools to close.

    There was lack of funding to staff schools with teachers and supplies.
  • Remington Arms company markets and sold the first functional typewriter

  • School structure changes. No longer one class.

    6 years of elementary, 3 years of junior high, 3 years of high school
  • Mississippi became the last school to have required formal education laws.

  • The educational radio was invented

  • The film projector was invented

    Brought movies to the classroom
  • The first Scholastic Aptitude Test was given

  • The overhead projector was invented

  • Servicemen’s Readjustment Act was passed.

    It allowed millions of returning servicemen to pursue an education instead of entering the workforce.
  • Truman Commission Report

    College was no longer going to be just for white, rich, males
  • The start of the Civil Rights Movement. Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka

    The Supreme Court outlawed racial segregation in public schools.
  • The photocopier was invented

  • Headphones were invented and used in language labs

  • The Vocational Education Act funded technology use in schools

  • The Association for Children with Learning Disabilities was formed

  • The handheld calculator was invented

  • The Supreme Court passed an approval for busing students to further schools

  • Charter school concept came about

  • The modern special education movement began

    IDEA and EHA
  • Computer-aided instruction was common in K-12 and higher education

  • Development of the first computer

  • Microcomputers became affordable

  • A Nation at Risk report was passed.

    It called for all high school graduates to be able to use and understand computers
  • CDs were invented

    They could hold a whole encyclopedia on 1 disc.
  • The graphing calculator was invented

  • Online college was invented

    The University of Phoenix offered fully online Bachlor and Master degrees
  • Multiple computers found in classes nationwide

  • World Wide Web was invented

  • The first university that existed entirely online came about

    It was called Jones International University
  • World Wide Web was available to the public

  • Social Media was invented

  • Improving America's Schools Act passed

    Boosted funding for bilingual education, incorporating educational technology, and aiming towards less dropouts
  • The interactive whiteboard was invented

    Teachers could use the marker board to make it do all sorts of stuff with the internet, etc.
  • Google was invented

  • No Child Left Behind Act was passed

    Schools were penalized if they had students that didn't hit achievement quotas.
  • Moodle was invented

    It allowed teachers to create their own virtual learning website
  • Iclicker was invented

    Allowed teachers to do polls with the class. Could be kept private or shared
  • Race to the Top Grant was established

    President Obama wanted to incentivize improving teaching and learning patterns in K-12 education.
  • Tablets were invented

  • Tablet sales exploded by 340 percent

  • 85 percent of adults use the internet

  • The U.S. Census Bureau reported disparities across racial lines for access and use of technology at home

  • Minnesota allowed transgender students to participate in female sports.

    They were the 33rd state to allow this.
  • Google Classroom was invented

    Allows students and teacher to share information, students to turn in work, and just communicate with each other.
  • Covid-19 happened

    Parents were again teaching their children from home. Some teachers taught through Zoom, etc