First microprocessor invented
The world's first microprocessor was invented by Intel -
Atari is founded
Atari is famous for their game consoles. -
Motorolla invents first portable phone
Motorolla invents the world's first portable phone. -
Microsoft is founded
Microsoft is founded, and is known for making the Windows operating system -
Apple is founded
Apple is founded on this day, competing with Microsoft -
First IBM computer is invented
IBM creates a personal computer that is affordable for most households. -
First CD invented
The world's first compact disk (or CD) is developed by Sony and Phillips. -
Disposable camera invented
World's first disposable camera is invented -
Nintendo Game Boy released
Nintendo invents the Game Boy. -
Windows 3.0 released
Microsoft releases Windows 3.0 -
Yahoo! is founded
Yahoo! is a popular search engine. -
Microsoft Office 97 released
Office 97 includes hundreds of new features -
Apple invents the iPod
Apple releases the very first iPod -
Facebook is invented
Facebook was invented -
Kindle was released
Amazon creates the very first Kindle -
Instagram is created
Instagram is created. -
Apple Pay is invented
Apple Pay is introduced -
HTC Vive VR headset released
HTC releases (currently) the best VR headset on the market. I have an HTC Vive at my house that I use with my PC.