
History of team Epsilon

  • Dylan Wheeler purchases Minecraft

    Dylan Wheeler purchases Minecraft
    Out of curiosity I purchased the video game Minecraft, it had gathered a massive popularity large enough for me to buy it dispite knowing very little beforehand.
  • Tobin Dewy Purchases Minecraft

    Tobin Dewy Purchases Minecraft
    Unrelated to my own purchase a friend of mine bought the game for himself several days later. We were unaware of our mutual interest in the game at the time/
  • Kirsten Wheeler purchases Minecraft

    Kirsten Wheeler purchases Minecraft
    My sister, haven been given reccomendations by both Myslef and Tobin tried the game, and enjoyed it enough to purchase her own copy. This was the point I was made aware of multible people in my social circle were playing the game,
  • Dylan Wheeler succesfully programs experimental multiplayer server

    Dylan Wheeler succesfully programs experimental multiplayer server
    After weeks of labor I got a self-programmed instance of a multiplayer game world running, Only my Sister and I could connect however. I still considered this a good step forward, and one of my greatest achivements in programming.
  • Sam Kolvaka purchases Minecraft

    Sam Kolvaka purchases Minecraft
    The last of what would become the orginal members of Team epsilon purchased the game for himself, None of us were aware of the amount this game would do to solidify our status as a team.
  • Dylan Wheeler perfects Multiplayer server, Team Epsilon formed.

    Dylan Wheeler perfects Multiplayer server, Team Epsilon formed.
    After months of on and off effort I finally perfected a fully functional private multiplayer server in the game. Allowing the four of us to play together in our first game world, The file name for this world was dubbed 'Origin' fittingly.
  • Kenny Losiure Purchases Minecraft

    Kenny Losiure Purchases Minecraft
    Hearing how much we enjoyed surviving together and building up homes for ourselves in a video game A fifth friend joined the team, Giving us another ally to work with in the game.
  • Period: to

    The span of Adventure

    Growing tierd of stationary survival the team packed up and set off across a series of special pre-made game worlds, full of strange things. A massive Cavern system full of traps, Age old tombs full of traps. And Castaway islands (That were full of traps oddly enough) Were all visited in this nomadic chapter of our game.
  • Austin Demers Purchases Minecraft, Joins team.

    Austin Demers Purchases Minecraft, Joins team.
    The only other freshman on the team joined at this point after I personally showed him the nature of the game.
  • Sakuya world created

    Sakuya world created
    Armed with all the skills we earned playing the game together. Team Epsilon started a new perminant world that would become the plass of our mass home bases. Forming a community of bases and not only surviving, but thriving on our adventures.
  • Versallies hold finishes construction

    Versallies hold finishes construction
    I finished my home base, Versallies Hold. The castle walls are over 18 meters high, And was the first massive scale base a team member created.
  • Capeshire...Somewhat finishes construction

    Capeshire...Somewhat finishes construction
    The remote port city of Capeshire, which was to become the base of Several team members finished construction at this time. New buildings however are constantly added to the small town.
  • Manor of lost hope finishes construction

    Manor of lost hope finishes construction
    The oddly named 'Manor of Lost hope' was finished on this point, the man looks like any other manor, so the purpose of the name is a mystery, Austin Demers moved into here after leaving Capeshire to strike out on his own.
  • Terraria is purchased by the newly formed 'Squad 69'

    Terraria is purchased by the newly formed 'Squad 69'
    A small division of Epsilon, Squad 69 (Whose name is intentional) strikes out to explore a diffrent game, The four orginal members of the team struck out to find yet more adventures in a brand new seting.
  • Squad 69 establishes dominince over Terraria.

    Squad 69 establishes dominince over Terraria.
    Defeating the courrupted lands and establishing a self sufficent town squad 69 considered Terraria 'won' and returned to Sakuya triumphentof their victory and eager to get back to work on their main adventure with the rest of the team.