Before the 1950s
Previous to the decade of the 1950s students who suffered from disabilities were not allowed to attend public schools. -
Brown v. Board of Education
Landmark Civil Rights case paving the way for fully integrating African Americans into public schools. -
Department of Public Welfare v. Haas
This case gave precedence that all students are afforded the right to education which is provided free of cost by the State. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
This act was enabled by Congress and signed into law by President Johnson creating major reform in educational policy regarding funding for education, professional development, instructional materials and resources, and parental involvement in education. -
(PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
This case challenged Pennsylvania law that allowed the Commonwealth to deny free education to students who had reached the age of 8 but had not yet reached a mental age of 5. This law was ruled unconstitutional making inclusive education the law. -
Mills v. D.C. Board of Education
Court ruling by the United States District Court of the District of Columbia that children with disabilities must be given public education regardless of their ability to pay for such education. -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act (Section 504)
Federal law that extended civil rights to people with disabilities. -
Educational Amendments Act (P.L. 93-380)
Federal law which prohibited discrimination against faculty, staff, and students, and required schools to overcome barriers to equal participation. -
EAHC Act of1975
Federal law that required all schools receiving federal funding to provide equal access to education and one free meal a day to all children with physical and mental disabilities. -
Board of Education v. Rowley
Supreme Court case which would define FAPE -
EHA Amendments (P.L. 99-457)
Federal law extending coverage of the Education of Handicapped Act Amendments to students aged 3-5. -
Honig v. Doe
Supreme Court case that ruled schools could not expel students for intellectual disabilities -
Americans with Disabilities Act
Federal Law ensuring the civil rights of individuals with disabilities.
https://www.ada.gov/topics/intro-to-ada/ -
Amendment to Education for All Handicapped Children Act to provide Free Appropriate Public Education. -
Cedar Rapids v. Garret F.
Supreme Court case that ruled students must receive supplemental services needed to attend school. -
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001
Federal Law reauthorizing Elementary and Secondary Education Act to include Title 1 Provisions.
https://youtu.be/-Qk00niNQwA?si=ZJq5S9fjlqiO3pTE -
IDEIA 2004
Federal Law expanding IDEA with IEPs -
Winkelman v. Parma City School District
Supreme Court case giving parents the right to pursue IDEA claims on their own independent of their children.