History of Special Education

  • Establishment of the American Association on Mental Deficiency (AAMD)

    The American Association on Mental Deficiency this founded with the aim of promoting the understanding and support of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilites, leading to collaborative efforts and advancement in special education.
  • Establishment of the Council for Exceptional Children

    The council for Exceptional Children, formed in the united states, this education and welfare of children with exceptionalities. This Organization played a key role in advocating for the rights and need of students with disabilities, promoting research, and providing professional development opprtunities.
  • The Arc

    The Arc start in 1950 this help students that are intellectual disability (then referred to as mental redtardation and development disability, or its causes. I currently work in the one in Florida city i have been work there for three years now, We have a physical therapy, occupational therapy, and Speech therapy. They support parents and children advocacy through federal legislations. We are location in differents as well.
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    The ARC

  • Establishment of the World Federation of Deaf

    World Federation of the Deaf was founded to advocate for there rights and welfare of individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing. This organization had played a role in advancing sign language recognition, improving educational opportunities, and promoting the deaf community.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    In the Brown v. Board of Education, to understand the battles being fought today for children with disabilities, it is important to understand the history and traditions associated with public schools and special education. The new education statute, every Student Success act, was signed law by President Obama on December 10, 2015. The U.S. Department of Education with federal special education law for the previous academic year. On August 8, 2020
  • Passage of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibited discrimination based on disability in programs receiving federal funding. This act helps with crucial in ensuring equal opportunities for with disabilities, including access to education and reasonable accommodation. This act helps disabilities to be the same just as others.