Brown v Board of Education
Brown v Board of Education:
Brown argued that segregation of children in public schools violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. Stating that segregated schools are unconstitutional on the basis of race. Supreme court ruled that separate but equal has no place in the Constitution. -
Elementary & Secondary Education Act
Elementary and Secondary Education Act:
This program was created to strengthen elementary and secondary school children. Lyndon B Johnson, an American politician who served as the 36th President of the United States, as well as taught in Texas, believed an equal chance at education meant an equal chance at life. HIs federal programs helped enhanced those in poverty, or those children who's families were disadvantaged. -
Mills V Board of Education
Mills V Board of Education:
Provided more protections for disabled kids, namely that schools could not just decide they will not teach because lack of funds for the children. Mills called for appropriate education to be free, as well as disabled kids education to be documented. (This was the beginning of IEPs 504s due proces with a child with a disability.) -
Rehabilitation Act
This act was created to prohibit the discrimination on the basis of a known disability with in the school systems. Programs were conducted to enhance the education for those who need special education services, and this act under Section 504 protected them from slander by any program or activity receiving federal financial assistants. -
Individualized Education Program:
The IEP is a document that is created to help aid in student achievement starting at the lower grade levels. IEPs are implemented between the teacher, parent and school administrations to set goals and plans for the Childs education. The school district is obligated to provide these necessary aids for children attending public schools. https://www.floridahealth.gov/provider-and-partner-resources/fccdhh/education/parents.html -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act:
This act requires that all public schools accepting federal funds, to provide equal access to education for children who have physical or mental disabilities. Public schools were required to evaluate children suspected of a disability as create an educational plan with a parents input that would allow the child to have a close to near experience of education to those whom did not need special services. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
Americans with Disabilities Act & Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973:
Federal laws that protects a person who has a disability. This law requires equal access and effective communication in all public places, including mental health disabilities and discrimination at work. -
Principles of Idea include, eligibility, evaluations, IEPs, parent and student participation, LRE, and safeguards. This federal law allows education to be free and appropriate for public education. The goal of IDEA is to guide and prepare the child for further education or employment, as well as encourage them to thrive independently through adulthood. -
No Child Left Behind
No Child Left Behind Act:
This Act reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. President Bush concluded that standardized testing must be put into place to ensure students were receiving the correct level of education aid. Adequate yearly progress included, students in poverty, students of color, and students receiving special education services. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/george-bush-signs-no-child-left-behind-act-into-law -
Education Improvement Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act:
RTI model used for students in determination of specific learning disability in the outcomes it produces. Increases federal funds to allow children who are not in need of special education or related services.