
History of Special Ed

By Elenys
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    In this landmark supreme court case it was ruled unconstitutional to segregate schools because of skin color. While this does not explicitly mention students with disabilities, this case set the precedent of the government intervening in school for the benefit of the students. This would lay the groundwork for the Supreme Court to intervene and help give more rights to individuals with disabilities.
  • ESEA

    This Act helped establish the governments role in providing equal access to schooling for all individuals. The ESA helped to implement free and reduced lunches to students that could not afford it. It also established a grant program which subsequently encouraged states to create and improve programs for individuals with disabilities.

    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act helped support state-run programs for students with disabilities. This act helped to establish IEPs by requiring schools to establish individualized education programs for the students. This helped to involve the student's parents and educate the child with "non handicapped" children as much as possible.