History of Special and inclusive Education

  • American School for the Deaf

    American School for the Deaf
    Opened by Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet in Hartford, Connecticut. Paved the way for schools to include students with disabilities and brought inclusive awareness to society. Helped to develop American Sign Language.
  • Perkins School for the Blind

    Perkins School for the Blind
    Created by Thomas Perkins in Watertown, Massachusetts which was the first school for the blind in America. Perkins created lessons and materials that accommodates to students whom are blind including braille. Have disabled students an opportunity to learn in a way they were able to understand and be successful.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    Many communities felt students being segregated in schools is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court rules segregation by race is unconstitutional. This passing finally ended the "separate but equal" law which allowed for student segregation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnQYYm-2nsg
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    Created by President Lyndon B. Johnson and was established to protect students of low income families and disabled students as well. Focused on granting federal funding for materials, research, and training in order to give all students a fair opportunity to learn. Over time it has been updated to give all students equal potential to learn.
  • The Rehabilitation Act

    The Rehabilitation Act
    This act ensured people with disabilities have have equal access to education and future employment. The most important piece is Section 504, which states that students with a disabilities are able to have the same learning opportunities and receive accommodations to help them strive to their educational potential. The 504 plan is still used today to ensure disables students are given appropriate accommodations.
  • Equal Education Opportunity Act

    Equal Education Opportunity Act
    Prohibits discrimination of students no matter their race, gender, or background. This act gave a voice to English language learners as it required schools to provide students help when transitioning to english learning. Parents are now able to report a school if they are not complying with the equality of all students.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    This act was passed in able to create free and public education to students with disabilities. Public schools must give students with disabilities appropriate accommodations and special education by using IEP plans. The IEP is used to make an individualized plan to help the students reach their goals.
  • Individuals With Disabilities Act

    Individuals With Disabilities Act
    IDEA was created to to gives a more detailed plan on how we can include all students with disabilities. Some improvements include that students should be taught and spend time in regular classrooms in order to spend time with students who do not have disabilities. It also gave parents a voice in their child's education by accessing records and the right to disagree. It also helps students whom are transitioning from high school to adult life.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This act held school accountable for their students educational development. States must used standardized testing annually to ensure students are on track with their grade level starting with third grade. Schools must pass adequate test scores to show their schools achievement. Students are now able to transfer to high preforming schools if their school zone is unable to preform successfully. https://www.edweek.org/policy-politics/no-child-left-behind-an-overview/2015/04
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    ESSA replaced the "No Child Left Behind Act" and focused on state and school board accountability to help all student succeed in their education. Allows states to use factors other than standardized tests to measure students rate of learning. States now must provide support to low preforming school and are given options on how the school may use their funds to create a better learning experience for all.