History of Sound

  • The Phonograph is Born

    The Phonograph is Born
    Between May and July 1877, the phonograph is born, devised by Thomas Edison.
  • "Yankee Doodle" is put on a record

    "Yankee Doodle" is put on a record
    The first song is put on record.
  • Period: to

    Wireless energy is transmitted

    Nikola Tesla wirelessly transmits electromagnetic energy.
  • Phonograph Advancements

    Phonographs are made readily available to the consumer majority as an affordable good
  • Production of Records in Canada Begins

    Production of Records in Canada Begins
    Productions of records/players begins in Canada, in Montreal. These would later become widespread for sale in homes.
  • Radio is Introduced

    Amateur Radio in the US is now available for purchase by the middle class.
  • Sound is transmitted

    A speech and song is transmitted wirelessly by Reginel Fenessden.
  • Enrico Caruso is Broadcast live in NYC

    Enrico Caruso is Broadcast live in NYC
    Enrico Caruso sings an orchestral piece over radio in NYC.
  • First Jazz Recording

    First Jazz Recording
    Livery Stable Blues is put on record as the first Jazz recording.
  • Radio Advertisements

    The first on-air radio advertisement is broadcasted
  • Electrical Recording

    Electrical Recording
    Electrical Recording is introduced to the masses through the Orthophonic Victrola.
  • Multi-Track Recording

    Multi-Track Recording
    Disney's film "Fantasia" features four-track recording, almost akin to "surround-sound"
  • Recording Tape is introduced

    Recording Tape is introduced
    Ampex Corporation introduces high quality tape recorders, and revolutionizes recording
  • The Phillips Casette Tape is Introduced

    The Phillips Casette Tape is Introduced
    A smaller, less loud medium of audio is patented and introduced to the US.
  • Travelling Recording

    Travelling Recording
    Sony introduces the Walkman, the first "mp3 player".
  • Mp3 Audio introduced

    Mp3 Audio introduced
    Mp3, a low bitrate high quality audio framework that is the most common audio medium worldwide, is patented in the US.
  • iTunes is available

    iTunes is available
    A media player and a library, iTunes is used for users worldwide to purchase music