
history of software

By KaSaade
  • First software

    First software
    the first software is MS-DOS, the operating system many of the early IBM computers used. IBM began selling software in the late 1960s and early 1970s
  • the most expensive software

    the most expensive software
    The most expensive software is : CyberTuner it cost 1227 USD ,2 years ago, Cybertuner was already among the most expensive apps on the market, now it can boast of being the most expensive tool in this panorama. It is nothing more and nothing less than a software that has assisted professional piano tunings for more than 20 years.
  • The most used software on the computer

    The most used software on the computer
    The most common application software programs are used by millions every day and include:
    Microsoft suite of products (Office, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.)
  • The software that uses the most battery is

    The software that uses the most battery is
    the software that uses the most battery is: Facebook. Pixabay
    Facebook: Is a social network that was created to keep people in contact, and who can share information, news and audiovisual content with their own friends and family. Pixabay: es una comunidad dinámica de creativos que comparten imágenes y videos sin derechos de autor. Todos los contenidos se publican bajo la Licencia Pixabay, que los hace seguros para usar sin pedir permiso o dar crédito al artista, incluso con fines comerciales.
  • the most popular software

    the most popular software
    Google is the most popular software because the 98% of the people have use or hear google : What is google?
    Is an internet search engine. It uses a proprietary algorithm that's designed to retrieve and order search results to provide the most relevant and dependable sources of data possible.