History of Social Media

  • CSNET.

    Allowed students to connect with each other from different universities without using ARPANET. Created by Lawrence H Land Weber
  • This Changed Everything

    Internet was created to allow for communication in the event
  • BBS

    Bulletin Board System. People could begin to post online, and communicate across message boards via code.
  • Get Off The Phone

    Dail up is created linking Phone and Internet
  • .Com Explodes

    Corporations and consumers can create personal website. Netgear IPO Launch
  • Find My First Girlfriend

    Classmates.com First media to communicate with old classmates. Find people from K - Higher Ed
  • Broadband

    Faster then Dial up
  • Blogs Started Popping Up

    People could be creative
  • 6 Degrees ( From Kevin Bacon)

    6 Degrees. One of the first blog, allowing people to interact. One of the first places you could create a profile
  • Google: What is Google

    Google was created
  • Check Your Sources

    Wikipedia was created allowing people to share information and collaborate.
  • Napster

    First user to user File to File sharing
  • I Have Friends I Promise

    Friendster. Networking Site with individuals forming communities
  • MySpace

    You had a profile, and also had a wall where you could customizes, and post.
  • ... Social Network

    Creation of Facebook. Facebook was created as a social network for college students
  • Linked In

    Business Social Networking
  • Dude... Watch this!

    Youtube is Created. Video watching service
  • Its A Bird... No its a Cloud

    Cloud storage is created and commercialized. Allowed file sharing easier
  • Presidents Best Friend

    First Tweet sent from Twitter. Create a complete thought in 140 Characters
  • Check Out My Blog

    Tumblr. Micro Blogging website.
  • Let me take a Selfie

    Instagram launches, and Snapchat follows
  • Double Think, Double Tweet

    280 Characters on Twitter