History of Social Media

By amh282
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    In 1792 the first form of communication without physically traveling, was invented.
  • Telephone and Radio

    Telephone and Radio
    Shortly after the telegraph, the telephone and radio were invented. Which allowed communication to be delivered faster and to more people These are still used today.
  • The Super Computer

    The Super Computer
    Technology took a huge turn in the 1940s, when the super computer was invented.
  • CompuServe

    The first form of internet was developed in the 1960s. They were able to use primitive email.
  • UseNet

    By 1979, UseNet was invented and allowed people to communicate through virtual newsletters.
  • Home Computers

    Home Computers
    By the 1980s home computers were becoming very common in households. IRCs (Internet Relay Chats) were being used.
  • Six Degrees

    Six Degrees
    The first social media site was created in 1997 called Six Degrees. Allowed people to create profiles and meet people on the internet.
  • Blogging

    In 1998, the first known blogging sites were invented. Open Diary being one of the most popular.
  • Social Media Boom

    Social Media Boom
    In the early 2000s, sites like Myspace, LinkedIn began to boom, as well as Photo Bucket and Flickr for photo sharing.
  • YouTube

    In 2005, Youtube was created. Creating a whole new way for people to communicate through videos. It is still greatly used today.
  • Social Media Everywhere

    Social Media Everywhere
    By 2006, Facebook and Twitter were created and then started a frenzy of social medias being created.
  • Today

    Today social media is apart of our everyday lives. We use it constantly for work, school and even our personal lives.