First commercial internet connection
Worlds first email
Cern Swiss organisatioon
goolge search engine
Friends Reunited
Wikipedia formed
Friendster 3 million 3 months
my space
facebook and flickr
The company Odeo relized that they need to make there company big they began brainstorming and came up with an idea of sms (short message service, texting for example) that lets a person to communicate with a group of people. They called it status then they looked in the dictoinary and twitter fitted the name perfectly.
http://profilerehab.com/twitter-help/history_of_twitter -
facebook over took my space
facebook topped 1 billion users
Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg and he has now 1 million users, despite the chaos for the last past months. On thursday Mark announced that facebook has more than 1 billion active people each month. On Marks status he updated that helping a billion people connect to other people around the world felt amazing, it is the most thing he is proud of in his life.
http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/facebook-tops-1-billion-users-1.1211341 -
youtube topped 1 million users
youtubeGoogle announced in 2013 that YouTube is now at 1 billion users. Wolfram Alpha thinks there is 6.79 billion people on earth, which means that 14.7% of people in the world watch something on YouTube every month. Google says that YouTube reaches almost 1 out of every 2 people on the internet. If YouTube was a country it would be the planets third largest planet behind china and India. Google was criticized for paying too much for YouTube they bought it for $1.65 billion in 2006. -
over 85% have internet access