History of social media ( 2000)

By Leen20l
  • 2000

    Lunarstram was invented
  • 2001

    Wikipedia was invented
  • 2002

    Friendster was invented
  • 2003

    LinkedIn, lastfm, photo bucket, second life, Del.i icio.us, and MySpace were invented
  • 2004

    Digg, flicker, Harvard Facebook, care2, Ning, multiply, orkut, mixi, picazo,and hyves were invented
  • 2005

    YouTube, high school Facebook, Yahoo! 360, bebo, and reddit
  • 2006

    Twitter, Facebook, cyworld, and QQwere invented
  • 2007

    Tumbler and FriendFeed were invented
  • 2008

    Spotify, ping , Groupon, and Konkani were invented
  • 2009

    Foursquare was invented
  • 2010

    Instagram , google buzz, Pinterest were invented
  • 2011

    Google was invented
  • 2012

    Phaedra was invented
  • 2013

    Vine was invented