Humble Beginnings
Originally called Picaboo, created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown, the app was created when the trio were studying at Stanford University When Spiegel presented the idea to his design class. Brown was kicked out of the group over issues about patent filing. -
First Intorduction
Spiegel introduces the application to the kids of Malibu, generated users increase from 100 to 3000 during this period and from late 2011 to early 2012 the app grows from 3000 - 30, 000 -
Expansion 1.0
In October of 2012 Snapchat had reached 10 million active users, this was an incredible achievement for the company as they had only launched the app a year ago. -
First Update!
Stories have arrived in the app. Stories would allow the user to take a photo and share it with everyone on their friend list. Stories revolutionised the way Snapchat was used taking it far away from what it was created for and has now become a simple to use picture sharing app! -
Mark Zuckerberg attempted to buy Snapchat for $3 Billion, but Spiegel declines the offer, obviously knowing that Snapchat would become one of the main social media platforms used by Millennials and Gen Z. -
Geofilters have been released for people to show off their location and show off who they are with Bitmojis. -
Expansion 2.0
The total amount of users has surpassed 100 million people. -
Snapchat has introduced a new way of taking selfies, by adding lenses! Lenses adjust to your face and add a filter of our choice. -
Expansion 3.0
Snapchat now has 7 billion videos viewed everyday, i strong rival again Facebook.