Skateboarding's Start
Started in the early 1950's in California and was influenced by Surfing. No one knows the exact year it began or who invented it, even though many people have claimed credit. -
Popularity Grows
Skateboarding's pop grows quickly and many people begbegin fall in love with the sport. People begin to skate pools and down hill instead of just street. -
The Peak
Skateboarding is at the peak of it's popularity and many companies emurge making boards and having competitions. -
Dies Down
Skateboarding takes a sudden dive in popularity. Many people assume that skateboarding was just a fad. -
Home-made Boards
People are still skating but not as much as there were. Companies go out of business and skaters have to make their boards on their own. -
The Comeback
Frank Nasworthy invents urethane skateboard wheels. Until this point, skaters used clay, or even metal wheels. These wheels spark new interest in skateboarding. -
New Beggining
A contest is held in Del Mar, California and the Zephyr team takes skateboarding to a whole new level. They displayed creativity, style, and agression like no one has ever seen on a skateboard. The public falls in love with the sport and skateboarding is more popular than ever. -
First Trick
This is the year the "Ollie" was invented. It was discovered by a man named Alan Gelfand. He named the trick after his friend Oliver aka "Ollie", who had past away. -
Dies down
Skateboarding takes a second dive in popularity. Insurance rates for skate parks rise dramatically, and many skate parks have to close. -
Skating Continues
Skaters continue to skate, but in a more underground way. Small privately owned skateboard companies pop up, owned by skaters. These small companies encourage creativity in designs. Skateboarding evolves into an even more personal style of expression.