History of Sherlock Holmes

  • Sherlock Holmes Born

    Sherlock Holmes Born
    If he were an actual person, this would be his birthday.
  • Birth of Doyle

    Birth of Doyle
    The day Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, was born.
  • Period: to

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Life

    The author of the Sherlock Holmes stories lived for 71 years.
  • Holmes Moves to 221B Baker St.

    Holmes Moves to 221B Baker St.
    221B Baker Street is the famous residence of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. The day is approximate; it was never mentioned, only the year. This is also when he first met Dr. Watson.
  • 'A Study in Scarlet' written

    'A Study in Scarlet' written
    The first Sherlock Holmes story was written sometime during 1886.
  • First Holmes Story Published

    First Holmes Story Published
    In Beeton's Christmas Annual, 'A Study in Scarlet' appeared.
  • Holmes' Supposed Death

    Holmes' Supposed Death
    In 'The Adventure of the Final Problem', Sherlock apparently dies with Moriarty at Reichenbach Falls. However, he is later revealed to have survived.
  • 'A Scandal in Bohemia' Published

    'A Scandal in Bohemia' Published
    The stories began to grow in popularity when short stories were published in The Strand Magazine. This was the first to be published in The Strand, and featured Irene Adler.
  • Period: to

    Sherlock Holmes stories Published in The Strand Magazine

    Over this period of time, 58 Sherlock Holmes stories appeared in The Strand Magazine.
  • 'The Adventure of the Speckled Band' published

    'The Adventure of the Speckled Band' published
    One of the most famous Sherlock Holmes stories is published.
  • 'Sherlock Holmes Baffled' filmed

    'Sherlock Holmes Baffled' filmed
    The first Sherlock Holmes movie is filmed. It was not particularly well done, and only lasted a few minutes, though.
  • 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' Published

    'The Hound of the Baskervilles' Published
    In serial form, the first Sherlock Holmes story in eight years appeared in The Strand Magazine. It later became on of the best known of the Holmes stories.
  • First of 'The Return of Sherlock Holmes Stories' Published

    First of 'The Return of Sherlock Holmes Stories' Published
    Holmes returned to magazines in September of 1903 after having supposedly ended.
  • 'The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier' Published

    'The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier' Published
    This was the first Holmes story to be narrated by Sherlock Holmes, rather than Watson or in third person.
  • 'The Adventure of the Lion's Mane' Published

    'The Adventure of the Lion's Mane' Published
    Besides 'The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier', this was the only other story narrated by Sherlock Holmes.
  • Last Holmes Story Published

    Last Holmes Story Published
    'The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place'.
  • Doyle's death

    Doyle's death
    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of the Sherlock Holmes series, died that day.
  • BBC's 'Sherlock' premiers

    BBC's 'Sherlock' premiers
    The date of the release of a new television show, set in present day London. The first episode was titled 'A Study in Pink', as a reference to the first Holmes story, 'A Study in Scarlet'.