1636- Harvard College established by John Harvard
First college established in the new colonies.
https://etc.usf.edu/clipart/79700/79726/79726_harvard_md.gif -
College of William and Mary (W & M)
Second-oldest College in the United States. Thomas Jefferson is credited with changing curriculum used at primary levels in Virginia to the way classes are taught within college environments.
W & M focused their core instruction in fine arts, law of nature, philosophy, anatomy, medicine, modern languages, and law.
http://www.wm.edu/admission/undergraduateadmission/images/diversitas/spring2011newsletter/WM.jpg -
First public high school opens in Boston, Massachusetts.
English High School, formerly known as English Classical School, was created to educated boys who would not attend Harvard College. Curriculum provided students an education geared towards economics and accommodate for the labor force within commerce, engineering, and mechanics.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c1/English_High_School_-_403002054_-_City_of_Boston_Archives.jpg -
College Entrance Examination Board
Birth of college entrance exams in the following disciplines: English, history, Latin, Greek, French, German, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. In 1916 changes were made with emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking skills while still testing students on subject-area knowledge.
By John J. White
The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica
http://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/360031/file-2241712268-png/body_1926verbal.png?t=1471583055015 -
Cummings v. School Board of Richmond CO., Georgia
In Cummings v. School Board of Richmond County, Georgia, the Supreme Court decided that school boards were not required to provide public secondary education for African Americans.
http://slideplayer.com/slide/6215791/20/images/7/Separate-but-equal+Doctrine.jpg -
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching- Credit Hours
The concept of the college and high school credit hour. The Unit became the measurement for determining students’ readiness for college and their progress through an acceptable program of study. Daily school schedules, graduation requirements, faculty workloads, and eligibility for federal financial aid were also attributed to the concept of the Unit.
http://shapleigh.org/system/news_article/photo1/3396/grad.jpg -
Smith-Hughes Act
This act helped establish separate state boards for vocational education which focused on entry-level skills to specific job skills sets.
http://78813809ba6486e732cd-642fac701798512a2848affc62d0ffb0.r60.cf2.rackcdn.com/3D4F0E31-0DF1-4EA9-BE42-CEDF040E85D5.jpg -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
The birth of Title I where low-income families including but not limited to English Language Learners, neglected, and homeless children allow for school districts to apply for federal funds. The provisions of this act aims to bridge the gap between race and low income students by setting common assessments and goals to measure the progress of their students.
http://schools.graniteschools.org/kearnsjr/files/2016/09/title-1.jpg -
The Vocational Education Act of 1984- (Perkins Act)
The Perkins Act help secure the notion that vocational education programs are necessary and essential to the nation's future. The two goals of the act were to improve the skills of the labor force and prepare adults for job opportunities and to provide equal opportunity for adults in vocational education.
http://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.timetoast.com/public/uploads/photos/4811987/19862.jpg?1386647531 -
The School-to-Work Opportunities Act (STWOA)
The act sought to develop stronger ties between secondary and post-secondary learning institutions, increase student engagement and success in school, and establish partnerships between educators and employers.
http://americasfutureworkforce.org/opportunities/ http://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.timetoast.com/public/uploads/photos/1598969/school-to-work-act.jpg?1305844940