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History of Search Engines

  • Archie

    Archie was the first ever search engine. It was created by Alan Emtage, Bill Heelan, and J. Peter Deutsch. This engine would search any FTP (File Transfer Protocol) it could find and grab a listing.
  • Yahoo! Search

    Yahoo! Search
    Yahoo! was created by Jerry Yang and David Filo January, 1994. It sends questions to searchable index of pages. It is also the 3rd largest search engine as of 2015.
  • MSN Search

    MSN Search
    MSN first launched August 24, 1995. It is a web portal and also has a collection of services and apps that were provided by Microsoft.
  • Ask.com

    This engine was created by Garrett Gruener and David Warthen. Ask.com (previously AskJeeves.com) is a we search engine that answers your questions. It also bases your search results by popularity.
  • Google

    Google was developed by Google LLC. Google uses "Page Rank" algorithm to order the search results. This search engine also gives options like symbols to specify the searches.
  • Bing

    Bing was also created by Microsoft, like MSN Search. In fact, Bing is rebranded from MSN. This search engine was also used for the majority of Yahoo!'s searches.
  • DuckDuckGo

    DuckDuckGo is a search engine that launched in 2009 and created by Gabriel Weinberg. Unlike other search engines, DuckDuckGo emphasizes getting the best results, rather than the most results.