Mar 17, 1540
Robert Recorde "The Grounde of Artes"
Robert Recorde Publishes "The Grounde of Artes", the first mathmatics textbooks. Used + and - symbols in his text. in 1557 Recorde used the = equal sign. -
Science offered in High School
With the founding of the first American High School in Boston, Science was offered. There was science taught in schools before as a practical application for students. -
Harvard Requires Physics
The administrators felt knowledge of the Laws of Physics was necessary for higher education. -
Kalamazoo Decision
Public Tax Supported Schools for all children -
American Mathematical Society Founded
American Mathematical Society founded to further mathematical research and strengthen mathematical education. -
NCTM Established
The National Council of Teachers of Mathmatics is established in hope that education reforms come from the teachers of mathmatics. -
Advancement of Science in Education
Committee on the place of Science in Education of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Scientific thinking and mastery of science was considered important. -
Advance Placement Science Classes Created
The College Board introduced Chemistry, Physics and Biology for advanced students. -
Sputnik is Launched by Russia
Money began to be allocated to increase focus on Science because America was behind. The U.S. Government implemented national science programs in an effort to "catch" America up with Russia. -
National Defense Education Act.
$887 million was provided to Science Education as a response to Sputnik. -
NAEP were introduced
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) tests were introduced nation wide with science knowledge questions. -
National Environmental Education Act.
President Nixon created a grant program to provide curriculum development and teacher training for additional science concepts to be taught in public schools. -
AWM Founded
Association for Women in Mathematics engourages women and girls to study and have careers in mathmatics. -
Presidential Award for Teacher of Math and Science
In 1983 President Reagan brings funding to expand the science curriculum for K-12 and gives awards of money to the nation's top teachers. -
Inquiry Based curriculum for Science
The Science Education for Public Understanding Program developed hands on and inquiry-based curriculum to introduce food safety, water pollution and others in an effort to make science engaging for students and begin more student centered learning. -
NCTM Standards - National Council of Teachers of Mathmatics.
Natioinal Council of Teachers of Mathmatics. The publication stressed problem solving, communication, connections and reasoning in elementary math education. -
Benchmarks in Science
Project 2061: Benchmarks for Science Literacy are developed for accomplishments to be noted in grades 2, 5, 8 and 12. -
National Science Education Standards
The National Research Council produced the National Science Education Standards. The intention was to set a curriculum and goals of achievement for students and to hold the public schools accountable for student learning and progress. -
Principals and Standards
Principals and Standards - an update of the NCTM Standards. Detailed standards for K-12 Math Education in content and processing skills. -
No Child Left Behind Act
The NCLB act took focus off of Science curriculum and education in order to focus on math and reading. This especially impacted the elementary science curriculum, but has also had an impact on the secondary schools as well. -
American Competitive Initiative
The second President George Bush proposed 136 billion dollars over a ten year span for Science Research and science education. -
CCSS Initiative
CCSS - Common Core State Standards Initiative. These standards have been initiated to encourage students to solve real-world problems. (CCSS). According to an article in U.S. News, Janet Napolitano began the initiative in 2006 to improve the math and science curriculum. The reasoning given was “America couldn’t lead the world in innovation and remain being competitive if we didn’t have an internationally competitive education system.” (Linn, VP of the Business Roundtable, Education and Workforce -
Next Generation Science Standards
The National Research Council, the National Science Teachers Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Achieve are working towards re-writing the Science standards and curriculum in the United States. The purpose of this is to acheive more student driven learning throug inquiry, trials and conclusions. -
Science Referenes
Maher, P. (2013). Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs and Confidence After Working With STEM Faculty Mentors: An Exploratory Study. -