History Of School

  • The Creation of Schools

    Schools are created with a goal to teach children how to read Latin. They make the children read the bible and learn about their religion.
  • Scholarships

    Jefferson creates scholarships and gives them to the best and brightest students.
  • Lancastrian Model

    One master would be selected and would be required to teach one single classroom. One single classroom would consist of 100 children at times.
  • Plessy V Ferguson

    This case saw the supreme court approve segregation using the beliefs of "separate but equal". The supreme court and the National Association for Advancement of Colored people were involved. Of course all of the colored people were impacted because they were not allowed to attend school with white people.
  • Brown V. The Board of Ed

    This case saw the supreme court reverse the decision in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson since it was deemed that it violated the Equal Potection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Linda Brown and several parents from the school were involved in suing the Board of Ed. The people impacted were all the students that were forced to attend segregated schools.
  • Miranda V. Arizona

    This case saw Ernesto Miranda confess to a rape and kidnapping however since he was not read his rights the supreme court stated this was confession was not to be used. Of course the victims were effected by this however it did allow for future rights to not be violated by not knowing they can remain silent or other rights they have during arrest.
  • Goss V Lopez

    Students in a Ohio Public school were involved in a decision that suspended them without any due process. This was negative however the Supreme Court ruled that students must be due processed.
  • Plyler V Doe

    The supreme court deemed the law in Texas that withheld school funds for undocumented children a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. The individuals impacted were all the undocumented students. The decision to have that law discriminated against them on the basis of a factor beyond their control.
  • Education For All Handicapped

    A New York public did not want to provide a sign-language interpreter for a deaf student because according to them she was able to academically perform well enough to not need one. The parents of the student stated the school was denying her a equal opportunity for a equal education of her peers. This of course caused a problem for the student since she could not benefit from being taught in sign language.
  • Title IX

    Title IX saw a female student denied the ability to try out for the schools football team since it was a boys team. This of course negatively impacted her because she was denied for simply being female. The district court ruled in the favor of the student since they had no reason to deny her.
  • Santa Fe School V. Doe

    Students elected a fellow student to speak over the loudspeaker at a football game and lead all attendees in a prayer. Three students sued the school stating the prayers violated their rights. The courts decided this had nothing to do with the school since the student was selected by his fellow students instead of the school.