History of Rohypnol

  • Where Rohypnol was first seen

    Where Rohypnol was first seen
    Rohypnols was discovered/seen in Europe and sold in the late 1970's
  • Location of where is began

    Location of where is began
    Began in the Western Europe in the 1970's
  • When it was created

    When it was created
    The drug Rohypnol was released by Hoffman La Roche Pharmaceutica
  • When it became illegal in the US

    When it became illegal in the US
    According to http://erowid.org in 1983 it was announced that the drug was illegal unless it was superscribed with a prescription. It was not approved to sell in the US.
  • What is was beggining to be used for!

    What is was beggining to be used for!
    It was gaining the reputation for being used as a date rape drug
  • Moved scheduled

    Moved scheduled
    Rohypnol was moved to the United Nations and remains scheduled IV in the United State.
  • Rohypnol banned

    Rohypnol banned
    All importation of rohypnol is banned from the United States by the FDA.
  • U.S congress act

    U.S congress act
    The U.S congress enacted the drug induced rape prevention act in 1996.
  • Rohypnol continues to be used

    Rohypnol continues to be used
    illegal importations with rohypnol continues into the United States. The DEA reports that the use of importation continue to rise during this period
  • Mexico Resources

    Mexico Resources
    Importation spread in Texas and Florida because of the allies/source with Europe.