Jan 1, 1300
Invention of Gunpowder
-Chinese invent a form of gunpowder that can be used for rocket propulsion
-A key step in the foundation for the creation of rockets
-Gunpowder based on a formula published in the 11th century
-Creation of gunpowder lead to the creation of simple guns and fire arrows -
Jan 1, 1500
Creation of a One Step Rocket
-Invented by Johann Schmidlap
-He wanted to make fireworks go higher
-This lead to the creation of a “one step rocket” -
First Uses of Rockets in Warefare
-Military Engineers started to change the role of rockets in warfare technology
-Russian Czar made a “rocket manufacturing facility near Moscow.”
-Europeans used gunpowder rockets for signaling others. -
Rockets Become Used in Many Wars
-Gunpowder rocket were an important weapon in Southeast Asia
-They were used successfully in many wars against the British -
Rockets Durning the Revolutionary War
-Brittish used rockets during War of 1812
-They attacked Fort McHenry with rockets
-Shown as the rockets red glare in the Star Spangled Banner -
Crimean War
-The British used Hale’s rockets during the Crimean War
-They were used in African colonies and in Asian colonies
-These rockets had range of 0.6 miles and 2.5 miles -
Mercury Program
-Formed by the new organization NASA
-Entered the USA into the space race against the Soviet Union
-Program did test flights with a newly invented space capsule
-There were 7 test flights 5 of which were successful -
First piloted space flight
-Accomplished by the Soviet Union
-Yuri Gagarin piloted the spacecraft
-Launched into earth's orbit
-1st major step in space race that Soviets won -
Gemini Program
-Formed by NASA
-Launched 12 spacecrafts
-Made spacecrafts that were able to hold an astronaut and change direction in orbit
-Tested spacecrafts by sending them into orbit -
Apollo 11
-First rocket on the moon
-Astronauts collected data and took pictures of the moon’s surface
-They collected samples of the moon’s surface
-Part of the Apollo program
-Reason behind program was because of the Space Race -
Launch of the international space station
-Collaboration between US, Russia, Japan, Canada, and the European Space Agency
-Circles the Earth’s orbit
-It is a laboratory and observatory
-In the future can serve as a base for trips to the moon and mars -
First Private Rocket
-Delivered commercial satellite to space
-Developed by Space X -
First private spacecraft re-enters earth's orbit
-Called Dragon
-Flew in Earth’s low orbit
-Developed by Space X -
Launch of Mars Mission
-Goal to establish settlement on Mars
-Will be a private endeavor
-Called Mars One -
Aristotle Made Astonomical Discoveries
-Aristotle believed the Earth was round
-He observed altitude of the stars
-He belived that there was more water than land on Earth