700 BCE
Hello and welcome to my first time line. This time line is about the history of rockets. You will learn the first 10 event that has to do with rockets. I hope you enjoy my very first time line. -
400 BCE
The Pigeon Experiment
This event blasts off the rocket’s evolution. A Greek philosopher called Archytas and a mathematician, showed off a wooden pigeon that was suspended on wires. The pigeon was pushed around by escaping steam. This experiment help to advance rocket research. -
100 BCE
Hero's engine
Hero of Alexandria invented the Hero's engine. The ball-shaped device sat on top of a boiling pool of water. Gas from the steaming water went inside of the sphere and escaped through two L-shaped tubes on opposite sides. That made the sphere-shaped device rotate. -
1 CE
First Real Rockets
People believe the Chinese developed the first real rockets. They were used for colorful displays during festivals, similar to modern fireworks. -
Congreve Rocket
The Congreve Rocket was developed by the British military for military weapons. -
Sputnik mission
A rocket was used for the first time to send something into space on the Sputnik mission, which launched a Soviet satellite. -
Jupiter-C Rocket
After a few failed attempts, the United States used a Jupiter-C rocket to lift its Explorer 1 satellite into space. -
Space Race of the 1960s
In World War II, several German rocket scientists emigrated to both the Soviet Union and the United States, helping the two countries in the Space Race of the 1960s. -
Yuri Gagarin
The Russian cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space. He boarded a Vostok-K rocket for a multi-orbit flight. -
Saturn V Rocket
NASA used the Saturn V rocket. The last one designed was powerful enough to break away from Earth's gravity. The rocket successfully made six successful moon-landing missions. -
Space Shuttle Challenger
The Space Shuttle Challenger's O-ring failed and caused a tragic explosion. The explosion killed seven astronauts aboard. The solid rocket boosters were redesigned after this tragic incident. -
Now that you viewed my very first time line, you should have learned the first 10 events that has to do with rockets, starting from 400 B.C all the way to 1983. Bye! -