
History of Riots

  • Period: to

    Riot Timeline

    This timeline covers some of the most destructive and important riots between 1950-2000
  • Detroit Riot

    Detroit Riot
    In the early morning of July 23 Detroir police officers raided a local bar called The Blind Pig and arrested over 80 people inside the establishment. While the arrest were made rumors spread that excessive force being used on people which resulted in a crowd of bystanders surrounding the bar to witness what was going on. As the day progressed and attitudes began to flare the outbreak of a five day riot hit the streets of Detroit.
  • Chicago Riot

    Chicago Riot
    After the assassination on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr the emotions that followed flooded the black communities in westside Chicago. The destruction that followed these emotions was a 28 block stretch of rioting that called for over 10,000 police officers to restore order.
  • Olklahoma State Penitentiary Riot

    Olklahoma State Penitentiary Riot
    When max capacity of Olklahomas' state prison had nearly doubled itself and prison inmates and officials feeling overwhelmed due to overpopulation something had to give. So when a cafeteria attack on two prison guards got out of control prison inmates ceased control of the prison and went on a three day riot.
  • Rodney King Riot

    Rodney King Riot
    In April of 1992 police officers pulled Rodney King over after a high speed chase, which ended in two white male officers brutally beating King while other officers watched. During the time of attack a nearby civilian witnessed the attack and began videotaping. When the officers involved went to trial for police brutality and were acquited for all charges the city of Los Angeles began to riot.
  • Seattle WTO Protest

    Seattle WTO Protest
    During the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference a group of about 40,000 anti-globolization activist gather around the conference to protest. As tension started to build up the aggravated crowd began lashing out causing one of biggest riots in Seattle history.