History of Richmond Hill

  • The Development of Yonge Street

    The Development of Yonge Street
    Lieutenant-Governor John Graves Simcoe decided on September 24, 1793 to set out a exploration party to find the best route that stretches from Lake Ontario to Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay (Carter). Construction of the road started in 1795, lasted for 33 long years and was completed in 1828.Yonge Street is historically significant to my community when the road was developed, many historical landmarks were built and is the oldest pieces of history in my community, existing since the 1700s.
  • Abraham Law

    Abraham Law
    Abraham Law was the Reeve of Richmond Hill (Wikipedia). Abraham was born on October 13, 1806 and passed away on February 14, 1885 (Wikipedia). He founded Richmond Hill on July 8, 1872, which became its own town a year later on January 1, 1873 (Little). He was elected reeve of the town on January 6, 1873 (Wikipedia).Abraham Law is historically significant to Richmond Hill because he was the founder and first reeve of Richmond Hill and devoted time and effort to develop it to what it is today.
  • Richmond Hill Officially Becoming a Town

    Richmond Hill Officially Becoming a Town
    Richmond Hill officially became a town on January 1,1873 (Stamp).Richmond Hill was originally named Mills Hill, after one of the largest landowners at the time(Little). Later it became known as Mount Pleasant, now it is known as Richmond Hill (Little).The name came from the Duke Of Richmond on the occasion of his visit to the area (Little). The Incorporation of Canada is historically significant to Richmond Hill because it is when Richmond Hill achieved its independence to be its own town.
  • Matthew Teffy

    Matthew Teffy
    Matthew Teefy was the postmaster of Richmond Hill. He was given this role on December 3, 1850 (Wikipedia). Teefy stayed as the village postmaster till his death on December 19,1911. He was the longest serving postmaster in Canada (Wikipedia). Matthew Teffy is historically significant because he had so much responsibility and duties that he had to fulfill. Along with being a postmaster, he had 6 other roles appointed to him and managed to dedicate all his time to make this town prosper.
  • Robert Clifford Darling

    Robert Clifford Darling
    Robert Clifford Darling was the captain In the Battle of Ypres. He was born on May 18, 1886. During the Battle of Ypres, Captain Robert Darling was seriously wounded and had to be taken to a military hospital (Filey). He died less than a month later on April 19, 1915 (Filey).Robert Clifford Darling is historically significant to Richmond Hill because he was buried in Richmond Hill and was the first Canadian soldier to die on foreign soil and be brought back to his home town to be buried.