James Clerk Maxwell
In 1873 there was a man named James Clerk Maxwell. He was a mathematician. He proved that electromagnetic waves could pass through air. -
Reginald Fessenden
he studied electricty. he worked with thomas edison and worked on how exactly the waves worked. -
Mathew Hertz
In 1888 he determined that Maxwell's theory was correct. he demonstrated that the electromagnetic waves moved through the air. he did this by using radiation. -
Nikola Tesla
in 1892 the genius Nikola Tesla used maxwell's findings to demonstrate how it could be received and transmitted between two points. he decided that this could be a possible way to transmit sounds. He then went on to specialize in signal related things. -
Goyomal Marconi
This was the first man to make a radio / wireless transmitter. It was capable of sending signals 1 mile away. -
spark Gap transmitter
It was the first real radio. many were sold however they had many problems. they had their issues fixed, however there was still electrical issues and such. -
oleg losev
He was the man to create crystal radio sets. he used maxwell's theory to make crystal radio. he used the base of the other kind of radios to make his. -
The first radio recording
The frist ever radio broadcast was in 1903. It was caalled o holy night -
Crystal radio Sets
These replaced the spark gap radios.First widley used radios. They were common in households. -
edwin Armstrong
This man created fm radio. fm radio had a wider range and could go through buildings. It was the new kind of radio wave -
Fm radio
This was created by Edwin armstrong. it wasnt blocked bty buildings. It also had a larger range than the other radio wave. it is commonly used today. -
transistor Radio's
They were cheaper and more efficient. they widely were used after crystal radios. they were also smaller -
The downfall of radio
Slowly after mp3 players started to come into play more often people have started to use the radiuo less and less therefor it is starting to die out., -
The longest time one song was played
the song uptown funk was the biggest "hit' song ever recorded. -
Newest song on radio
the current newest song on radio is Kings and queens