History of radio and television-Mild

  • Period: to

    History of TV and Radio

  • Heinrich Hertz invention

    Heinrich Hertz invention
    Heinrich Hertz was able to conclusively prove transmitting airborne electromagnetic waves in an experiment.
  • Guglielmo Marconi builds telegraph

    Guglielmo Marconi builds telegraph
    The Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi built the first complete, commercially successful wireless telegraphy system.
  • Roberto helps us speak

    Roberto helps us speak
    In 1900, Brazilian priest Roberto Landell de Moura transmitted the human voice wirelessly for a distance of approximately a half mile
  • Marconi begins a new era of communication

    Marconi begins a new era of communication
    In June 1912 Marconi opened the world's first purpose-built radio factory at New Street Works in Chelmsford, England.
  • Detroit makes history

    Detroit makes history
    The first radio news broadcast was in Detroit,Michigan by station 8MK
  • Sidebands arrive

    Sidebands arrive
    Single sideband and frequency modulation were invented by amateur radio operators.
  • The annoying commercials arrive on TV.

    The annoying commercials arrive on TV.
    Commercial television transmissions started in North America and Europe.
  • The Sony empire begins

    The Sony empire begins
    In 1955, the newly formed Sony company introduced its first transistorized radio.
  • Color takes the screen

    Color takes the screen
    By 1963, color television was being broadcast commercially (though not all broadcasts or programs were in color)
  • Radio's tell us where to go.

    Radio's tell us where to go.
    LORAN became the premier radio navigation system.
  • The GPS is invented

    The GPS is invented
    Culminating in the launch of the Global Positioning System (GPS) constellation.
  • Internet radio takes off

    Internet radio takes off
    Carl Malamud, invented the internet radio and had the first ever internet radio talk-show.
  • Pandora opens the box of internet streaming

    Pandora opens the box of internet streaming
    3 men at Savage Beast technology invented Pandora which became a huge hit that is still around today!