James Clerk Maxwell
Showed mathematically that electromagnetic waves could travel through air, -
Heinrich Hertz
Demonstrating that someone could produce and detect electromagnetic radiation. -
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla used maxwells mathematic findings to demonstrate the sending and receiving method could be used for sending and receiving info. -
Guglielms Marconi
Marconi built the first wireless transmitter in 1896 sending signals up to one and a half miles. First transatlantic radio communication service Clifton ,Ireland,New Foundland 1901. -
Audion Tube
1906 Lee De Forest (borrowed idea) a vacuum tube that amplified ideas -
Reginald Fessenden
Reginald came up with the idea but didn't make the history books. -
Radio Impact on Titanic
Maroni idea was sold to the marine industry.Radios were very important. Without radio ships had no communications on water. Without radios everyone would've died on the titanic. Radios saved people lives -
Crystal Radio Set
Spark gap transmitter ,first commercially available radio sets ,plagued with problems -electrical interference . Improved with the invention and production of crystal radio sets. First widely produced and used radio set in the U.S. -
The Dawn of Advertising
How does a radio station make money? In 1922 WEAF aired 10 minute commercial or toll broadcast for an apartment complex charging 50$. -
Uncle Charlie was to popular,FRC was established to organize the licensing of transmitters assigning radio station frequencies, call letters and power limits. -
Radio Broadcast
Radio broadcast using A.M waves amplitude modulation Am medium range, blocked by urban structures 1933 Edwin H Armstrong Fm radio frequency wavelength that is less prone to static and blockage has a longer rage. -
Golden Era
The 30's and 40's. During the middle of the Great Depression, Radio provided an escape from all troubles. People would save their money to buy radios. -
Radios Demise
Tv makes appearance in late 30's. As popularity grew, advertisers went to tv radio lost money radio shows jumped ship. "Tv will do to radio what the car did to horses." What saved radio was music. There was very few options for music, Jukeboxes ,records, live concerts. Music filled radios void. -
Transistor radio
Transistor radio was cheaper, less power, and smaller size. Also a very long life span. -
Family Medium
Families can enjoy radio together. There aren't a lot of family shows but radios brung families together. -
Radio Progression
Major Edwin Armstrong invented the FM transmitter ,which made for a stronger signal and higher quality sound. Listeners were forced to buy new radio sets. -
Famous shows of Golden Era
Amos n Andy
The Shadow
Our Miss Brooks
Dicky Tracey
Little Orphan Annie
64$ Dollar Questions
Originals who wants to be a millionaire -
Radio vs.......
Spotify, Pandora, Youtube, Itunes, Last FM, Sirius XM are what people use to listen to music instead of radio