History of Radio

  • The beginning

    The beginning
    Heinrich Hertz was the first to prove that you could receive waves wirelessly.
  • Free for all

    Free for all
    In the late 1920s, you would have to have a license to have your own broadcasting and the FRC was created to clean the sound of radio.
  • Let’s make some money

    Let’s make some money
    It charged you 50$ to listen to a 20 minute broadcast recorded in an apartment.
  • The Golden Era of Radio

    The Golden Era of Radio
    The radio was an entertaining source for people affected by the Great Depression in the US and the listening rate got higher.
  • Video killed the radio star

    Video killed the radio star
    The rise of the TV immediately lost so many radio listeners because people were much more focused on watching dramas or soap operas.
  • How we think of radio today

    How we think of radio today
    Edwin Armstrong created the talk news on the AM radio and broadcasted jazz or rock and roll on the Fm radio.