History of Radio

By Abner1
  • Guglielmo Marconi

    Guglielmo Marconi
    Sent the first wireless communication over open sea.
    It went over the Bristol Channel in Wales at a distance of 6km
  • First transatlantic message

    First transatlantic message
    Marconi send FIRST transatlantic message from Ireland to Newfoundland, Canada.
  • The AUDION tube

    The AUDION tube
    It is essentially the very first amplifier to help push waves further and further by providing power to the signal
  • FRC

    They decided to create call letters, power limits & licensing of transmitters
    Need a license to broadcast - preventing paying radio stations from being overtaken ‘signal wise’ by “Uncle Charlie” stations
  • The Golden Era of Radio

    The Golden Era of Radio
    The Great Depression and War caused depression in the US.
    Radio became an escape for people to be entertained - the family would sit around and listen to the radio together.
    The diversity of radio shows exploded - music, comedy shows, plays, dramas
  • Creation of FM

    Creation of FM
    Edwin Armstrong creates FM radio to allow the high dynamic range of music to come through on a clearer signal The divide between talk and news on AM and music on FM is created
    Formatting also became a major way to brand music towards a specific demographic