Nikola Tesla
Also played a big part in radio tryed arguing with the other inventor and said he invented it first -
Invention Of Wireless Telegraph
A young italian Gugliemo Marconi invented the "wirless telegraph" -
Nikola Tesla granted U.S patent
Nikola was granted a patent for his "system of transmitting electrical energy" and also for "an electrical transmitter". -
Guglielmo Marconi picks up the first radio signal
While Guglielmo was waiting at a radio transmiter he picked up the first radio signal which sent the morse code -
First Radio Program
The first radio program of voice and music broadcasted in the U.S -
Radio Plays A Huge Role
People would use radio's to listen to news, sports, drama etc. -
Everyone Had A Radio
By the 1930's every household had a radio, they would sit there and listen to shows that would come on -
FM is born
FM is born but only in mono -
Sony offers a radio
Sony offered a transistor radio which offered FM/AM -
Stereophonic Sound
Radio stations begin broadcasting in Stereophonic sound -
Digital Tansmission
Digital Transmissions began to be a part of broadcasting