History of Psychology Timeline

  • First Battle in the Greek War of Independence

    First Battle in the Greek War of Independence
  • BIrth of Sir Francis Galton

    BIrth of Sir Francis Galton
    (1872-1911) Believed greatness runs in families.
  • Birth of Wilhelm Wundt

    Birth of Wilhelm Wundt
    (1832-1920 )Structuralist and 1st psychologist.
  • Start of the Texas Revolution

    Start of the Texas Revolution
  • Birth of William James

    Birth of William James
  • Seneca Falls Convention starts

    Seneca Falls Convention starts
  • Birth of Ivan Pavlov

    Birth of Ivan Pavlov
    (1849-1936) Behaviorism
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act Becomes Law

    Kansas-Nebraska Act Becomes Law
  • Birth of Sigmund Freud

    Birth of Sigmund Freud
    (1856-1939) Psychoanalysis
  • Birth of Mary Whiton Calkins

    Birth of Mary Whiton Calkins
    (1863-1930) 1st woman to be president of the APA (American Psychological Association)
  • Murder of Abraham Lincoln

    Murder of Abraham Lincoln
  • Birth of Edward. B. Titchener

    Birth of Edward. B. Titchener
    (1867-1927) Structuralist
  • Birth of Max Wertheimer

    Birth of Max Wertheimer
  • Birth of Karen Horney

    Birth of Karen Horney
    (1885-1952) Challenged the male bias of Freud's psychonalytic theory.
  • Revealing of the Benz Patent-Motorwagon (regarded as the 1st automobile)

    Revealing of the Benz Patent-Motorwagon (regarded as the 1st automobile)
  • May Day Riots of 1894 (Ohio)

    May Day Riots of 1894 (Ohio)
  • Birth of Jean Piaget

    Birth of Jean Piaget
    (1896-1980) Cognitive
  • Birth of Inez Beverly Prosser

    Birth of Inez Beverly Prosser
    (1897-1934) 1st African American woman to earn a doctoral in psychology.
  • Start of the first Tour De France

    Start of the first Tour De France
  • Birth of B. F. Skinner

    Birth of B. F. Skinner
    (1904-1990) Behaviorism
  • Birth of Abraham Maslow

    Birth of Abraham Maslow
    (1908-1970) Humanistic
  • Sinking of the Titanic

    Sinking of the Titanic
  • Birth of Roger Sperry

    Birth of Roger Sperry
    (1913-1994) Demonstrated the importance of brains in our behaviors with Split-Brain research.
  • Birth of Kenneth Clark

    Birth of Kenneth Clark
    (1914-2005) Brown Vs. Board of Education
  • Birth of Judith Rodin

    Birth of Judith Rodin
    (1944-) Showed the importance of perceived control.
  • Founding of NASCAR

    Founding of NASCAR