Period: to
Study of the elements of consciousness. -
Period: to
The nature of mental states. -
Pavlov's Dogs
Russian psychchologist best known for his experiments on conditioning dogs. He fount that a unconditioned stimulus with a unconditioned response can be associated with a new stimulus that brings the unconditioned response from before. -
Period: to
Theory of learning based on all behaviors are aquired through conditioning -
Period: to
How our unconscious affects us. -
Thorndike's Cats
Studied operant conditioning and how it involves learning from ones consequences. He used a puzzle box that would open when a lever was pushed. -
Little Albert
Watson used classical conditioning to make Albert (a baby) fear animals with fur. He did this by showing the baby the animal while making a loud noise. Soon the baby began to fear the animals without the sound present. -
Period: to
How ones culture affects them -
Milgram's Electric Shock
Tested human behavior, wanted to know if you are willing to hurt someone if you are told you. Most people did. -
Delgado brain stimulation
Delgado stimulated certain parts of the brain to control animals and humans. He could stimulate certain areas to produce a clenched fist, make on sleep or become aggressive/calm. -
Period: to
How brain anatomy and chemistry influence thoughts and behavior -
Period: to
Focuses on an individuals potential and stresses growth and self-actualization -
Period: to
Deals with how one thinks about information for memory and problem solving. -
Bandura's Bobo Dolls
Studied observation learning. He showed children a video of a adult beating up a bobo doll. The children then copied this action when place in a room with a bobo doll. -
Gazzaniga Split Brain
Tested the hemispheres of the brain by taking split brain patients and flashing words on the screen, Gazzaniga figured out that the right feild of vision is control by the left hemisphere of the brain, and vis versa. -
Skinners Box
Skinner experimented with reinforcement to promote favored behaviors. For instance, when a rat in placed in "skinner's box" he will soon realize that when he presses the lever, food wil be released as a reward. -
Zimbardo's Prison
Wanted to see if one adapts to the life of a prisoner/guard, if it will turn into violent behavior. The randomlt selected students did adapt to these roles and abuse did occur. -
Psychologist wondered if animals went through language acquisition as well as humans. Koko, a gorilla, learned how to express herself and talk through sign language. However, there is still a debate on if she actually acquired language fully since she did not speak in complete sentences. -
Period: to
How one's behaviors help in survival and reproduction