History Of Policing

By Darick
  • first officer death

    Sheriff Cornelius Hogeboom of Hudson, New York, was shot as he attempted to serve a writ of ejectment becoming the first known law enforcement officer to be killed in the line of duty.
  • police starting

    In 1829, Peel established the Metropolitan Police Services in London. With the founding of London's police force, Peel became widely regarded by criminologists and historians alike as the father of modern policing. British police officers are still known affectionately as "Bobbies" in honor of his first name, Robert.
  • the start

    The idea of professional policing was taken up by Sir Robert Peel when he became Home Secretary in 1822. Peel's Metropolitan Police Act 1829 established a full-time, professional and centrally-organised police force for the greater London area known as the Metropolitan Police.
  • police

    The "Year Of Riots" breaks out in NYC
  • why police is called police

    The London police were called bobbies, after Sir Robert Peel who advocated the creation of the Metropolitan Police Force in 1828. Copper as slang for policeman is first found in print in 1846
  • uniforms

    New York City was the first ti address police dress code.
  • uniforms

    Police departments in Boston and Chicago issue uniforms to their officers.
  • first African American officer killed

    Jacksonville, Florida, Officer William Johnson becomes the first African American police officer to be killed in the line of duty.
  • first national police union

    The first national police group is formed, the National Chiefs of Police Union, which would later become the International Association of Chiefs of Police. For the first time, police leaders met regularly to share ideas
  • First person arrested

    a 25-year-old London taxi driver named George Smith becomes the first person ever arrested for drunk driving after slamming his cab into a building. Smith later pled guilty and was fined
  • fingerprint was first used

    Fingerprinting is first used in the United States by law enforcement.
  • officers use automobiles

    The Berkeley (CA) Police Department becomes the country's first agency to have all patrol officers using automobiles.
  • known officer of police

    In the ensuing years, Vollmer's reputation as the "father of modern law enforcement" grew. He was the first chief to require that police officers attain college degrees, and persuaded the University of California to teach criminal justice. In 1916, UC Berkeley established a criminal justice program, headed by Vollmer.
  • deadliest year

    The single deadliest year in law enforcement history, with 307 officers killed.
  • police brutality

    riots broke out in the cities in the u.s. trying to control rioters. Police were charged with using unnecessary force.
  • Police Brutality

    a white new york city police officer shot and killed a black teenager.
  • uniform adjustment

    due to riots and cases of police corruption the NY police department replaced the dark blue with a more friendly blue.
  • police start wearing armor

    Police start wearing soft body armor to protect themselves against handgun assaults.
  • memorial day

    The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C.
  • uniforms

    uniforms return to dark blue after u.s. terrorist attacks
  • police museum

    President William Jefferson Clinton signs into law Public Law 106-492, authorizing the NLEOMF to build the National Law Enforcement Museum
  • police secure

    The Department of Homeland Security is formed to lead the unified national effort to secure America.