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History Of Physiotherapy

  • Earliest documented use of Physiotherapy

    Earliest documented use of Physiotherapy
    The earliest documented origins of actual physical therapy as a professional group date back to Per Henrik Ling, “Father of Swedish Gymnastics,” who founded the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics (RCIG) for massage, manipulation, and exercise.
  • Period: to

    Discovery Years

  • Official recognition

    Official recognition
    Physical therapists were officially recognized by the National Board of Health and Welfare.
  • British Discovery

    British Discovery
    Four nurses in Great Britain founded the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
  • Formal Training

    Formal Training
    School of Physiotherapy at the University of Otago in New Zealand started formal training programs.
  • First graduated Physical Therapists

    First graduated Physical Therapists
    Reed College in Portland, Oregon graduated the first physical therapists, known as "reconstruction aides".
  • Period: to

    Formative Years

  • Polio epidemic

    Polio epidemic
    Polio outbreak in the United States promoted physical treatments.
  • Period: to

    Polio Epidemic

  • World War I

    World War I
    The U.S. entered World War I on this date. The Medical Department of the U.S. Army created the Division of Physical Reconstruction. The staff (mainly women called reconstruction aides) provided massage, hydrotherapy, and other physiotherapy treatments to disabled veterans. The reconstruction aides were divided into two groups - 1 group provided the treatments listed above, and 1 group provided vocational training for employment. These groups became PTs and OTs.
  • Period: to

    Development Years

  • The creation of the American Women's Physical Therapeutics Association (AWPTA)

    The creation of the American Women's Physical Therapeutics Association (AWPTA)
    A group of former reconstruction aides from the Division of Special Hospitals and Physical Reconstruction of the U.S. Army met and formed the American Women's Physical Therapeutics Association (AWPTA). In the first year the membership included 274 members from 32 states.
  • P.T. Review published

    P.T. Review published
    The AWPTA began a quarterly publishication titled the "P.T. Review". The publication was a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal.
  • AWPTA became the American Physiotherapy Association

    AWPTA became the American Physiotherapy Association
    The organization changed its name to reflect the need to include men as the organization grew.
  • In the 1940's therapy started to consist more of exercise

    In the 1940's therapy started to consist more of exercise
    Treatment through the 1940s primarily consisted of exercise, massage, and traction. Manipulative procedures to the spine and extremity joints began to be practiced, especially in the British Commonwealth countries
  • Period: to

    The Fundamental Accomplishment Years

  • World War II

    World War II
    War Emergency Training Courses began in preparation for the anticipated entry of the U.S. into the second World War. Physical therapists were the new equivalent to the first World War's reconstruction aides, and were trained to assist wounded soldiers to recover and return to combat or their pre-war occupations.
  • APA creates the House of Delegates

    APA creates the House of Delegates
    The HOD is the branch of the APTA today that creates standards and legislative bylaws of the Association in regards to physical therapy practice and the profession.
  • APA changes its name to the American Physical Therapy Association

    APA changes its name to the American Physical Therapy Association
    Commonly known as the APTA today.
  • Move beyond hospitals

    Move beyond hospitals
    Physiotherapists move to outpatient orthopaedic clinics, public schools, universities, rehabilitation and medical centres.
  • Vaccine eradicates the Polio epidemic

    Vaccine eradicates the Polio epidemic
  • Period: to

    Mastery Years

  • Specialization for Physical Therapy

    Specialization for Physical Therapy
    Specialization for Physical Therapy in the United States occurred with the Orthopaedic Section of the APTA being formed for those Physical Therapists specializing in Orthopedics.
  • Advances in technology meant advances for PT's

    Advances in technology meant advances for PT's
    In the 1980's, the explosion of technology and computers led to more technical advances in rehabilitation. Some of these advances have continued to grow, with computerized modalities such as ultrasound, electric stimulators, and iontophoresis with the latest advances in therapeutic cold laser
  • Norwegian therapist, Freddy Kaltenborne helped create the AAOMPT

    Norwegian therapist, Freddy Kaltenborne helped create the AAOMPT
    The 1990's brought much attention to manual therapy, with formal residency programs becoming more numerous. During the summer of 1991, Norwegian manual therapist Freddy Kaltenborne helped create the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy (AAOMPT).