History of photography

By Mateu
  • First photograph was taken in 8h exposure tima

    First photograph was taken in 8h exposure tima
    In 1826 Niepce was taken the first photograph in 8h exposure time
  • The first daguerreotype was created

    The first daguerreotype was created
    In 1839 Daguerre was created the daguerreotype
  • Niepce and Daguerre improved the short exposure time (30 min)

    Niepce and Daguerre improved the short exposure time (30 min)
    In 1841 Niepce and Daguerre improved the short exposure time (30 min)
  • Calotype was invented

    Calotype was invented
    In 1856 William Henry Fox was invented the calotype
  • The first permanent color photo

    The first permanent color photo
    In 1861 James Clerk was taken the first permanent color photo
  • Photographic film was invented

    Photographic film was invented
    In 1888 George Eastman was invented the photographic film
  • 35mm camera was released

    35mm camera was released
    In 1913 Oskar Barnack was created the 35mm camera
  • Polaroid camera appeared

    Polaroid camera appeared
    In 1928 Edwin H.Land was invented the first camera polaroid
  • Modern flash bulb was invented

    Modern flash bulb was invented
    In 1929 modern flash bulb was invented
  • Kodachrome film was released

    Kodachrome film was released
    In 1935 Eastman Kodak was created the Kodachrome film
  • Digital camera was designed

    Digital camera was designed
    In 1975 Eugene F.Lally was designed the first digital camera