First photography was taken by Niepce.
Period: to
The first Daguerrotype was created by Daguerre
Niepce and Daguerre improved the short exposure time.
Calotype was invented by Fox Talbot.
The first permanent color photo by J. C. Maxwell.
Photografic film was invnted by G.Eastman.
35 mm camera was invented by O. Barrak
Modern flah bulb was invented by J. Ostermeyer
Polaroid camera appeared, created by Edwinh Land.
Kodrachrome film was released, created by Eastman Kodak.
Digital camera was designed by Eugene.
First on the market digital camera, the Sony Mavica, and CCD with a resolution of 100 x 100 pixels.
It appears the first version of Adobe Photoshop, a computer program for photo retouching
It creates CMOS technology that would revolutionize the digital creation of images