History of Photography

  • The Start in the 1790s

    The Start in the 1790s
    Thomas Wedgewood, in England, makes photograms by placing objects on leather sensitized with silver nitrate.
  • Camera obscura

    Camera obscura
    This device was used by artists to aid in drawings during the 17th & 18th centuries. Upon further research there are earlier examples of the camera obscura being used way before William Henry Fox Talbot.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    828,000 square miles of land purchased from Napoleon, leader of France, by Thomas Jefferson in 1803
  • The disadvantage of Lithography

    Lithography was a way to reproduce an images, often uses drawing on a flat, smooth stone type surface. (Perfected by Alois Senefelder in 1798) Due to Niepce's lack of ability to use the lithographic stone he began to experiment with light upon photosensitive materials. His experiments were later known as photo negatives.
  • Joseph Nicephore Niepce (1765-1833)

    Joseph Nicephore Niepce (1765-1833)
    Niepce, a French doctor, produces the world’s first photograph using pewter plates in a camera obscura. Exposure was around eight hours long! The photo was titled, 'View from the window'.
  • The start of a beautiful partnership

    The start of a beautiful partnership
    Jacques Louis Mande Daguerre and Joseph Nicephore Niepce agree to work together on perfecting photography.
  • Period: to

    The Trail of Tears

    During this time, thousands of Indians were forcefully marched to Oklahoma territory. Many died along the way.
  • Daguerreotype

    After the death of Niepce in 1833, Daguerre took up the research. Years later he discovered that table sale dissolved in hot water would stop the light sensitive materials from reacting. Which was called the Daguerreotype. Exposure time was significantly less, at about 5 minutes.
  • First photo of people

    First photo of people
    This photo shown here is a view of the Boulevard du Temple. Made by a daguerreotype by Louis Daguerre and is known for being the first photo to have people in it.
  • Now available to the public!

    Now available to the public!
    After Louis Daguerre had announced his invention to the public in 1839, cameras were soon being commercially made within a year.
  • The Blueprint Process

    The Blueprint Process
    Also known as the cyanotype, first introduced by John Herschel in 1842. He was able to produce a photo in blue and white tones. This process was used a lot by Anne Atkins who used cyanotype on plants and seaweed.
  • Talbot's publication

    Talbot's publication
    Talbot begins publication of The Pencil of Nature, the first major book illustrated with photographs, to indicate the range and possibilities of photography
  • Mexican - American war

    Mexican - American war
    During this time Mexico and the United states were in a dispute over Texas and California.
  • Collodion Process

    Collodion Process
    Also known as, wet-plate process. This process was invented by Frederick scott Archer in 1851. This was a new negative-positive process that used glass instead of paper with the light-sensitive material. This was often used by Dr. Huge Welch Diamond on hi mentally ill patients.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    The civil war started in 1861 and ended in 1865. War was between the Northern Union and the Southern Confederation. This later allowed the abolishment of slavery.
  • Photography of war

    Photography of war
    This photo taken during Gettysburg by Alexander Gardner. Most of these photos we later learn were greatly manipulated .
  • The Transcontinental Railroad

    During this time, The Union Pacific Railroad came from the east and the Central Pacific Railroad came from the wast. They met in the middle. The transcontinental Railroad helped to improve trad and transportation throughout America.
  • The telephone

    The telephone
    The phone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, this was a huge step with women in the work force as well as for communication.
  • Medical advancement

    Medical advancement
    During 1895 X-rays are discovered by Wilhelm Rontgen
  • Autochrome

    This process was a way for making color photos developed by two brothers, Louis and Auguste Lumiere