Breif History of Photography
Here is a breif history of Photography to start off the time line....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsYzSZlzC4Y -
First attempt to capture a picture in a camera obscura
Thomas Wedgwood attempted this using a light sensitive sunstance (paper or white leather treated with silver nitrate). Wedgwood succeeded in capturing shadows, but in 1802 it was reported that the images captured with a camera obscura were too faint to produce. -
Thomas Wedgwood died at age 34
Thomas Wedgwood gave up on his experiments early on due to his failing health. -
"Negative" photos captured
Niepce captured images in the form of negatives. He used paper coated with silver chloride. The coating darkened when the photograph was exposed to light for viewing and Niepce couldn't find a way to prevent this from occuring. -
First Camera was Made
First camera made/first photo picture taken by French inventor Joseph Niepce -
Oldest Helliographic engraving
This is the earliest helliographic engraving that people know of. It was made by Joseph Niepce. This engraving was made on a metal plate. -
Oldest permanant photograph
The oldest permanant photograph was taken by Niepce in 1826. This photo was made on a sheet of pewter with a think layer of bitumen (the light sensitive substance), along with petroleum tar. The bitumen hardens over the course of anywhere between hours and days and the unhardened part could be removed which left the positive image behind. This picture is called "View from the Window at Le Gras". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW5QocpVkAU -
Niepce died
This resulted in his notes being left with Daguerre, who focused more on photographing using a mirror or silver plate covered in iodine vapour. The iodine reacted with the silver forming silver iodide, This lead to Daguerre finding that this method needs less exposure time and the photos could then be developed and have full visibility. -
Salted Paper Print created
This printing process was created by William Henry Fox Talbot. This is said to be the early stages of the Calotype printing process. -
First glass negative
John Herschel amde the first glass negative during 1839, but the process he used to do so was hard to reproduce. -
First practical photographic proccess announced
During the French Academy of Sciences meeting this was announced and word spread quickly. The French Government bought the rights to this leaving penions for Daguerre and Niepce's son. -
Camera commercially introduced
This year (1839) is said to be the birth year of practical photography. -
Complete instructions to Daguerre's photographing released to the public
After the French Government bought the rights from Daguerre for his discovery, they released it to the public mid 1839. -
Calotype Process
William Henry Fox Talbot invented this. It is similar to Daguerre's process in the way that it used chemical development that reduced exposure time. -
Process for making glass negatives
This process was invented by Janez Puhar but wasn't recognized until June 17th 1852, in Paris. -
Patent Granted for Calotype Printing
William Henry Fox Talbot's printing process "Calotype" was granted the patent for his process that he invented in 1934. -
Design of a "Bellows camera"
This camera was designed by Sergei Lvovich Levitsky. This camera particularally improved focusing. -
Invention of collodion process
The collodion process was invented by Frederick Scott Archer. -
"Birth of 3D Imaging"
1855 was the start of the "sterioscopic" era, which is a technique for creating & enhancing depth illusions in an image. This is also known as "The Birth of 3D Imaging". -
KODAK company started
The now well known camera company, Kodak, was started in the 1880's by George Eastman. -
First Consumer Camera
The first consumer camera was by Kodak. It contained a 20 foot long "film" roll (paper) that could hold about 100 pictures that were 2.5 inches. When all the paper was used up, consumersd would send that camera back to Kodak.. -
35 mm Film to Market
In 1925, 35 mm rolls of film were introduced to the marked by "Leica". -
Worlds First SLR Camera
The "Exakta" was the world's first SLR camera. Made by the German company called Ihagee. -
135 Ink Cartridge Intro
When the 135 ink cartridge was introduced it made 35 mm film roll photography easier to use as well as more accessable. This lead to the 35mm dominating the photography industry, becoming the most popular film by consumers. -
World's First DSLR Camera
The world's first DSLR camera was by Nikon. It was the D1 with 2.31 megapixels.