History Of Photography

  • First Photo

    First Photo
    This is one of the first photos that has survived for 108 years. This photo was taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. The photo shows a view from an upstairs window at Niépce's estate which is called Le Gras in France. Although this photo is really faint and can be seen to well now
  • The daguerreotype

    The daguerreotype
    Daguerre and Niépce found that if a copper plate coated with silver iodide and then exposed to light then add mercury vapor and some salt then a pernament photo would be created . This camera had a long exposure which was about one hour so moving object couldn't be captured and will only come with black and white pivtures
  • Wet-collodion process

    Wet-collodion process
    This process was made invented by Englishman Frederick Scott Archer. The process is done by adding a soluble iodide to a solution of collodion and coating a glass plate with the mixture then the plate was put in a solution of silver nitrate which made silver iodide. The plate was then exposed in a camera it was then finished after it had been pour in a solution of pyrogallic acid and a solution of sodium thiosulfate which was then chaged to potassium cyanide
  • The Collotype

    The Collotype
    Made by Alphonse Poitevin this technique can copy and preserve an image. This process is done by adding lots of chemicals to a plate made of aluminum or other materials. This process was the start of copying. This process was also changed later on the improve it and make it better
  • Maxwell's Demon

    Maxwell's Demon
    This was the first ever colored picture. The process on how to make one was made by James Clerk Maxwell but was taken by Thomas Sutton. This process took 3 of the same black and white photos and changed the colors of them, using filters, into red, blue, and yellow picture then put them togheter
  • The Polaroid

    The Polaroid
    The Polaroid camera in one of the first ever cameras to be available to the public mainly because it was cheap to make. The Polaroid camera is also known as the instant camera. These types of cameras are still used till today and maybe continue being used later