History of Photography

  • Joseph Nicephore Niepce invents the first camera

    Joseph Nicephore Niepce invents the first camera
    First Photograph Ever Taken
    Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
    Taken using the camera with a piece of silver chloride coated paper
    Around 1816 in France
    This photograph was taken with the first camera ever made by Nicephore Niepce.This camera was made in a box shape and allowed an image to be taken using a piece of paper coated in silver chloride on a plate, and left for long light exposure, believed to be several days.
  • Nicephore Niepce

    Nicephore Niepce
    Born 1765 - Died 1833
    Inventor of Photography
    Captured Oldest Photograph Recorded
  • First Photograph

    First Photograph
    Subjective: This artwork personally shows signs of potential to improve, but also a breakthrough in reality, interesting me in photography Structural: In signs and symbols seen in this image, I can see damage through the lack of quality and advancement Cultural: View from building window shows classical structures and architecture suggesting time Post Modern: I can see origin in this photograph, as it is the first image ever captured,and contains no influence from previous work
  • Louis Daguerre Monochrome Process

    Louis Daguerre Monochrome Process
    Early Monochrome Process
    Louis Daguerre
    Silver Surface plate with Iodine vapor
    Louis Daguerre adopted Niepce's methods of silver and expanded on this to create more defined photographs. Daguerre then produced a plate which allowed much shorter exposure time down to a few minutes, and a solution of salt which allowed the photograph to be clearer and stabilized by removing the remaining layer of silver iodide.
  • Louis Daguerre

    Louis Daguerre
    Born 1787 - Died 1851
    Influence and Information directly from Niepce
    Improved the invention of photography
  • Louis Daguerre View from Window

    Louis Daguerre View from Window
    Cultural: Grainy and Black and White photo suggests improvement from previous photography but also old/faulty methods
    Structural: Buildings and structures show me the improvement and advancement of society in this reality
    Subjective: The old and grainy look of the photo makes me feel and relate with the time of the photograph
    Postmodern: Early stages of photography and style show little influence,but also influence from Nicephore Niepce
  • Collodion Process

    Collodion Process
    Collodion Process
    Frederick Scott Archer
    Frederick Scott Archer invented the collodion process when making a photograph by coating a glass plate with a solution of soluble iodide and collodion, to then be immersed in a solution of silver nitrate in a dark room for exposure.
  • Gelatin Process

    Gelatin Process
    Gelatin Process
    Richard Maddox
    A strip of film is coated with a special gelatin emulsion containing microscopic silver halide crystals, which improve and determine the contrast,resolution and sensitivity of an image when captured, based on their size.
  • First Kodak Camera

    First Kodak Camera
    First Kodak Camera
    The first easy to use box camera, invented by kodak, allows the user to simply press a button to take a picture. The camera operates with the lens at one side,and a roll of film at the other,allowing the user to change their film through a hatch in the side of the camera.
  • Kinetoscope

    Kinetoscopic Camera
    William Kennedy Laurie Dickson
    This camera was used as an early exhibition device and allowed the user to view films one by one through a peephole lens located above the box. This device used the illusion of stop motion picturing to created moving images, other than later and more advanced methods of cinematic viewing.
  • Hasselblad Camera

    Hasselblad Camera
    Victor Hasselblad
    Hasselblad Camera
    This camera allowed users to take photographs at 1/1600 shutter speed,and was revolutionary because of its ability to exchange lenses and film to fit the focal length of the user.
  • First Polaroid Camera

    First Polaroid Camera
    First Polaroid Instant Camera
    This camera allowed users to capture photos and print them instantly from it on a small,square piece of paper. This type of camera,known as the instant camera, became very popular,with polaroid being the leading company in it’s invention.
  • Edwin Land

    Edwin Land
    Born 1909 - Died 1991
    Inventor of the Polaroid instant camera
    Believed in influencing the ways of the future
  • Polaroid Photograph

    Polaroid Photograph
    Cultural: The photo being black and white suggests the time the photo was taken, and figure in the photo shows american culture Subjective: This photograph shows inhibition and influence in the creation of instant printing of images Structural: Through the chosen portraiture form of the photograph,I can see that this photo is rather simple, indicating the photo being used for demonstration. Postmodern: This photograph contains influence from previous work, and also caused influence in future
  • First DSLR

    First DSLR
    Nikon D1
    First Digital SLR Camera sold to the Public
    The Nikon D1 was the first DSLR Portable Camera developed from the ground up for consumer purchase and use at the price of $6000 dollars. This camera was the introduction to the leading form of professional photography today in the Digital SLR camera.
  • iPhone X

    iPhone X
    iPhone X
    November 2017
    Current Best Phone Camera
    This Phone offers the best quality camera currently in a mobile phone,and displays the most common form of photography today among society.