

  • Niépce creates a permanent image

    Niépce creates a permanent image
    The First Photograph, or more specifically, the earliest known surviving photograph made in a camera, was taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1827. The image depicts the view from an upstairs window.
  • Daguerre created the first daguerreotype.

    Daguerre created the first daguerreotype.
    The daguerreotype is a direct-positive process, creating a highly detailed image on a sheet of copper plated with a thin coat of silver without the use of a negative.
  • Talbot patents his process under the name "calotype".

    Talbot patents his process under the name "calotype".
    Calotype is an early photographic process introduced in 1841 by William Henry Fox Talbot, using paper coated with silver iodide. The term calotype comes from the Greek (kalos), "beautiful", and (tupos), "impression".
  • The importance of Daguerre's invention

    The importance of  Daguerre's invention
    Before the year was out, Daguerre instruction booklet ran to 30 editions and was translated into eight languages. By 1845 Parisians were buying 2,000 cameras and three million plates a year.
  • An English sculptor improved the daguerreotype.

    An English sculptor improved the daguerreotype.
    Frederick Scott Archer improves photographic resolution by spreading a mixture of collodion and chemicals on sheets of glass. Thi photography was cheaper than daguerreotypes, the negative/positive process permitted unlimited reproductions.
  • First color photograph

    First color photograph
    The first permanent color photograph was taken in 1861 by physicist James Clerk Maxwell who used what is known as the 'color separation' method, shooting three separate black and white photos using three filters: red, green, and blue.
  • Photographic film invention

    Photographic film invention
  • First Kodak camera

    First Kodak camera
    You press the button, we do the rest” was the first marketing slogan of Kodak. The original Kodak camera was small and light enough to be held by hand, the price was $25 dollars.
  • The first commercial feature film

    The first commercial feature film
    First commercial color film, the Autochrome plates, manufactured by Lumiere brothers in France.
  • Invention of modern flash bulb.

    Invention of modern flash bulb.
    1930's press camera. Original flashbulb mechanism has been replaced by a strobe flash, for effect without needing flash bulbs.
  • First reflex camera

    First reflex camera
    SLR is an anagram for Single Lens Reflex. What this means is that the camera uses one lens that reflects the image to a viewfinder by means of a mirror.
  • Nikon F introduced.

    Nikon F introduced.
    The Nikon F camera, introduced in April 1959,was Nikon's first DSLR camera. It was one of the most advanced cameras of its day.
  • Sony demonstrates Mavica "still video" camera

    Sony demonstrates Mavica "still video" camera
    In 1980, Sony marketed a commercial color videocam using a CCD. The world's first commercial color video camera to utilize a completely solid state image sensor
  • Canon cameras were designed

    Canon cameras were designed
    The popular Canon EOS system introduced, with new all-electronic lens mount
  • Digital camera was designed

    Digital camera was designed
    Kodak DCS-100, first digital SLR, a modified Nikon F3
  • Camera phone introduced in Japan by Sharp/J-Phone

    Camera phone introduced in Japan by Sharp/J-Phone