history of phones

  • 1st phone

    1st phone
    On March 10, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell created the first phone
  • Period: to

    phone history

  • rotary

    In 1889, the rotary telephone dial was invented by Almon B. Strowger
  • nokia phone

    nokia phone
    In 1963 One of many classic Nokia candybar-style phones, the Nokia 5110 was rugged and had a long battery life.
  • 1st button phone

    1st button phone
    In 1963, AT&T introduced Touch-Tone, which allowed phones to use a keypad to dial numbers and make phone calls
  • motoraola

    Motorola StarTAC was the first successful flip phone, and in many ways, the first successful consumer cell phone. made in 1973
  • first phone disconnected from the tv remote

    first phone disconnected from the tv remote
    Cordless phone. Beginning in the 1980s, portable phones were like a small-scale cell phone
  • camera phone

    camera phone
    Released in 2003, the Sanyo SCP–5300 was one of the first phones to include a camera.
  • first iphone

    first iphone
    When the iPhone was introduced in 2007, Apple brought the smartphone to the masses.
  • treo

    With the Treo, Palm expanded its popular PDA line to become one of the first smartphones. 2009
  • present phones

    present phones
    Iphone 7 and galaxy s7 were invented in 2016