History of phone 1990's .

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    History of phones 1990's .

  • 2nd phone .

    2nd.1984 The first truly portable phone. Up until its release, most cellular phones were installed as car phones due to the inability to fit them into a jacket pocket.
  • 3rd Phone .

    3rd. 1992 the first digital hand-size mobile telephone.
  • 4th Phone .

    4th. 1994 This was the first mass-produced GSM phone. It was produced until 1994.
  • 5th Phone .

    5th.1996 The first clamshell cellular phone. Also one of the first display
  • 6th Phone .

    6th.1998 Alternately called the “banana phone”, this phone was popularized in the first Matrix movie.
  • 7th Phone .

    7th.1999 This phone was loved for its customizable design, but hated for its screen fade
  • 8th Phone .

    8th.2000 The R380 featured a black and white touchscreen, partially covered by a flip.
  • 9th Phone .

    9th. 2001 This phone featured a full QWERTY keyboard. It could also store up to 64mb of music.
  • 10th .

    10th . 2002 he first Nokia phone to bring GPRS internet services to the mass market. The 3510i, pictured here, was a more advanced version with a colour screen.
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    1st Phone .

    1st.1983 Analog Motorola DynaTAC 8000X Advanced Mobile Phone System mobile as of 1983.