History of Persepolis

  • Period: 518 BCE to 515 BCE

    Construction of Persepolis Under Darius l

  • 515 BCE

    Darius l moves the capital to Persepolis

    The capitol was moved to Persepolis from Pasagardae because under Darius l the empire saw an influx of wealth and power due to standardized currency and reforms across the empire. They wanted to create a new and private capitol for only the royal people.
  • 515 BCE

    Completion of The Grand Stair Case and the Palace of Darius

    The completion of these two monuments marked the beginning of Persepolis, in the years to come the city would grow to be much larger.
  • Period: 486 BCE to 465 BCE

    Reign of Xerxes l, massive building projects in Persepolis

  • 480 BCE

    Failed invasion of Greece under Xerxes l

    This marked the decline of the Persian empire, the empire had put to many soldiers and funds into the invasion, and upon failure they were forced back to the defensive. They needed more money and began to over tax their people, leading to a state of unrest across the empire.
  • 478 BCE

    Xerxes creates the Gate of All Nations, The Hall of 100 Columns and The Grand Palace of Xerxes

    The future rulers of Persepolis would continue to add on to Persepolis, all of them would construct palaces in there name.
  • Period: 404 BCE to 358 BCE

    Reign of Artexerxes ll, beginning of building projects across the empire and in Persepolis

  • 336 BCE

    Completion of the Hall of 32 Columns and the Palace of Artaxerxes ll

  • 330 BCE

    Burning of Persepolis by Alexander the Great and the end of the Persian Empire

    Alexander the Great was a great conqueror who was born in Greece during the decline of the Persian Empire. The Persian Empire was collapsing and Alexander the Great was there at the right time.