
History of Pele

  • Birth

    Pele's Birth- October 23, 1940 in Três Corações, Brazil
  • Early Childhood

    Pele's father didn't make a lot of money, so growing up, he was very poor.
  • Middle Childhood

    Although he was poor, that didn't stop him from playing soccer. He would take a sock and put rags in it and roll it around the street.
  • Late Childhood

    Pele joined a team caoched by a former member of Brazil's National Team.
  • Beginning of Career

    Beginning of Career
    His team coach finally convinced his family to let him try out for the Santos Professional Soccer Club.
  • Beginning of Santos Soccer Club

    Beginning of Santos Soccer Club
    He made the team and immediately started playing with them.
  • First Goal

    He scored his first goal before he was 16.
  • Recruitment

    When he was 16, he was recruited to play for the Brazilian National Soccer Team.
  • Sweden World Cup

    Sweden World Cup
    1958 World Cup in Sweden was when the World first saw him.
  • Sweden World Cup

    He showed speed, skill, a good attitude, and athleticism, and this is where the World fell in love with him.
  • European Bribes

    Pele recieved huge amounts of money to play for European soccer leagues, but stuck with Santos.
  • Chile World Cup

    Chile World Cup
    He had to sit out for Brazil's second straight title from a groin injury in the 1962 World Cup in Chile.
  • England World Cup

    England World Cup
    Brutal attacks from defenders led him to sit out, and Brazil was knocked from the World Cup in the first round.
  • World Cup in Mexico

    The 1970 World Cup in Mexico was a great return for Pele after all his injuries in the other World Cups.
  • Fake Retirement, Comeback

    Pele announced his retirement in 1974 but he was lured back to play for the New York Cosmos in the North American Soccer League.
  • Last Game, Retirement

    Last Game, Retirement
    This is when he played his last game and retired with 1,281 goals in 1,363 games.