History of particle physics

By 17cheni
  • 430 BCE

    Democritus develops first atomic theory

    Democritus develops first atomic theory
    He theorised that:
    -all matter is made of indivisible spheres called "atomos" or atoms
    -they are indestructible and can be of different shapes and size
    - these variations in shapes and sizes give matter different properties (e.g the acidity of lemons is a result of spiky atoms)
    -unpopular at the time, attacked by plato and aristotle
  • John Dalton develops atomic theory through chemistry

    John Dalton develops atomic theory through chemistry
    John Dalton, from a series of experiments in chemistry, theorised:
    -all matter is composed of atoms, which cannot be created, destroyed or subdivided, similarly to democritus' model
    -atoms are sorted into different elements, which have differing properties
    -atoms of the same element are identical in size and mass
    generally, his theory was a more "modern" version of democritus' theory, grounded by experiments and observations in chemistry
  • Discovery of the electron

    Discovery of the electron
    -The electron was discovered by JJ Thomson, using an apparatus called a cathode ray tube
    -Thomson used the CRT to determine the charge to mass ratio of the cathode rays
    -This ratio suggested that a subatomic particle of 1/2000th the mass of a hydrogen atom existed, this was the electron
  • Special Relativity

    Special Relativity
    -Special relativity is a theory of the relationship between space and time proposed by Albert Einstein
    -In this theory, the famous mass-energy equivalence formula E = Mc^2 can be derived
    -This equation can be used to calculate the energy released when a particle and antiparticle annihilate
  • Charge of electron measured

    Charge of electron measured
    -Robert Milikan measured the charge of the electron in the oil drop experiment
    -This was a carefully controlled experiment, utilising electric fields to suspend an oil drop
    -The charge of the electron was derived through a series of calculations involving terminal velocity and the electric field strength.
  • Nucleus and proton discovered

    Nucleus and proton discovered
    -discovered by Ernest Rutherford in the gold foil experiment
    -most alpha radiation would pass straight through, with some being reflected, suggesting that the atom was mostly empty, with a positive nucleus
    -Rutherford later discovered the proton, the positively charged particle in the nucleus
  • The Dirac Equation

    The Dirac Equation
    -Derived by Paul Dirac
    -Predicted the existence of antiparticles
  • Neutron discovered

    Neutron discovered
    -Discovered by James Chadwick
    -This indirectly lead to the creation of the atomic bomb through the manhattan project
  • Positron discovered

    Positron discovered
    -Discovered by Carl D. Anderson
    -This was achieved with the use of a cloud chamber, traditionally used for visualising ionising radiation
  • Discovery of the Muon

    Discovery of the Muon
    -Discovered by Carl D. Anderson and Seth Neddermeyer, while studying cosmic radiation
    -Existence was confirmed separately in 1937 by J. C. Street and E. C. Stevenson
    -Muons are a fundamental particle, they are not composed of anything else
  • Manhattan project

    Manhattan project
    -This was the research and development project which lead to the creation of the atomic bomb
    -the bombs utilised the nuclear fission of plutonium to release a large amount of energy
    -lead to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."
  • Demon Core goes supercritical

    Demon Core goes supercritical
    -The Demon Core was a sphere of plutonium intended to be used in a third nuclear bombing of Japan
    -Louis Slotin, during an experiment, causes the core to go supercritical with a screwdriver slip
    -this triggered a fission reaction, releasing a lethal dose of radiation to anyone in the vicinity of it
  • Discovery of the pion

    Discovery of the pion
    -Existence was theorised by Hideki Yukawa in 1935
    -Discovered by Cecil Powell in 1947 by exposing photographic plates to cosmic radiation
    -Pions contribute to the nuclear strong force, which hold nuclei together
  • Electron Neutrino discovered

    Electron Neutrino discovered
    -Electron neutrinos are elementary particles that are difficult to detect as they have no charge
    -Their existence was theorised in 1930 by Wolfgang Pauli
    -Discovered in the Cowan–Reines neutrino experiment, led by Clyde Cowan and Frederick Reines
  • Discovery of the J/psi meson

    Discovery of the J/psi meson
    -The J/psi meson was discovered independently and announced at the same time, by Burton Richter and Samuel Ting
    -Its discovery was of significant importance as it supported the existence of a new quark, the charm quark
    -This would lead to a period in physics known as the November Revolution
  • Man survives particle accelerator beam

    Man survives particle accelerator beam
    -Anatoli Burgorski survived a proton beam from the U-70 Synchrotron
    -The U-70 Synchrotron was the largest particle accelerator in the Soviet Union, which accelerated protons to high energies for research
  • Discovery of the W and Z bosons

    Discovery of the W and Z bosons
    -The W and Z bosons carry the nuclear weak force, one of 4 fundamental forces
    -They were discovered with the use of a particle accelerator, the Super Proton Synchrotron
    -2 experiments, UA1 and UA2 were carried out
  • Discovery of the top quark

    Discovery of the top quark
    -The top quark has the most mass out of all quarks and is of use to physicists as it has a short lifespan, allowing it to be observed on its on without hadrons being formed
    -It was discovered through the use of a particle accelerator, the Tevatron, and the Collider Detector at Fermilab