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The first keyboard
The First keyboard was a typewriter invented in 1868 by Christopher Latham Sholes. -
The first speaker
The first speaker was invented in 1877 by Ernest Siemens. -
The first headphones
The first headphones were made in 1919 by Beyerdynamic -
The first monitor
The first moniter was invented in 19930 by Allen Du Mont. -
The first printer
The first printer was invented in 1938. The printer was invented by Chester Carlson. -
The first high speed printer
In 1953 the first high speed was devolped for use on Uniac computers. -
The first box-enclosed speakers
The first box-enclosed loud speakers was created by a French compsny -
The first mouse
The first mouse was invented in 1963 by Douglas Engelbart. -
Improved and specialized keyboard
In 1964 the keyboard was improved and specialized with command keys like Esc, Alt, Ctrl, Pause, and Break. -
The first floppy disk
The first floppy disk was invented in 1967 by Alan Shugart. -
The first inkjet computer
The inkjet computer was invented in 1976 by Hewlett Pakard -
Laserjet printer
In 1979 Hewlett Packard introduced a new type of printer which was the laser jet. -
The first earbud earphones
The first earbud was invented in the 1990's -
First cordless mouse
In 1991 the cordless mouse was made by Logitech. -
LaserJet 4 Printer
In 1992 Hewlett Packard released the laserjet.